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Re: early adopters of groff 1.23.0

From: Sam James
Subject: Re: early adopters of groff 1.23.0
Date: Thu, 06 Jul 2023 20:40:59 +0100
User-agent: mu4e 1.10.4; emacs 29.0.92

"G. Branden Robinson" <> writes:

> [[PGP Signed Part:Undecided]]
> Hi folks,
> I'm pleased to see that even in the absence of an official announcement
> (so far), distributors are getting their hands on the still piping-fresh
> groff 1.23.0 release.
> Over the course of the release cycle, I've kept my eye on
> to see who's been taking up the release candidates.  That monitoring has
> not been wholly disappointing, but it has underscored the importance of
> producing official releases.  No matter how solid your code quality,
> many people will not take up your work until you pronounce it "ready".
> I'd like to recognize the following distributions for moving fast.
> * Alpine Linux Edge
> * Carbs Linux
> * Gentoo
> * KaOS Build
> * Termux

Thank you! We've indeed been testing the RCs too, although we made
them opt-in for users.

And thank you all for the new groff release! I know it was a massive
push to get here.

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