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Re: `\c`, mdoc(7), and man(7) extension macros (was: [PATCH 1/2] man*/:

From: Alexis
Subject: Re: `\c`, mdoc(7), and man(7) extension macros (was: [PATCH 1/2] man*/: srcfix)
Date: Mon, 06 Nov 2023 11:28:55 +1100
User-agent: mu4e 1.10.7; emacs 29.1

"James K. Lowden" <> writes:

.Nm .Op Fl D Ns Ar name Ns Oo Li = Ns Ar value Oc

The = is not an argument.  It's a literal; that is, it stands
for itself. It separates two arguments. What is the nondeprecated preferred alternative?

i'm certainly interested in Ingo's answer here, but in that specific case, i'd simply leave 'Li' out, as it's not required. (i presume because the 'Oo' has effectively "opened a new formatting context" in which text is literal until a new macro is invoked, but i'd be happy to be corrected.)


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