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Re: Why does groff require psutils?

From: Ingo Schwarze
Subject: Re: Why does groff require psutils?
Date: Sun, 26 Nov 2023 15:34:10 +0100


not related to the "psutils" questions, but this almost made my
eyes fall out.

Alexis wrote on Sun, Nov 26, 2023 at 12:28:25PM +0100:

> Would replacing the following in src/preproc/html/pre-html.cpp
>   s = make_string("psselect -q -p%d %s %s\n",
>        pageno, psFileName, psPageName);


What kind of crappy code is that?

It's really "C Programming 101" that you must *never* do anything
like that.  Obviously, execve(2) or a similar library function
that does not suffer from shell argument splitting and shell
metacharacter issues must be used here.  If we want to continue
shipping preproc/html, i think this definitely needs to be fixed.

I mean, for all i know, there are people running "groff -T html"
on public web servers to serve manual pages to the general public
via public CGI interfaces...


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