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First keystroke works, more do not

From: Dominik Epple
Subject: First keystroke works, more do not
Date: Tue, 22 Apr 2008 20:42:19 +0200


using grub-pc 1.96 from debian testing, booting with grub works fine. If one 
does not touch the keyboard. If I touch any key, the following things happen:

1. The keytroke has the expected result, e.g. selecting the next boot image, or 
going into the command editor when pressing 'e', etc.
2. The count down for automatic booting stops
3. Further keystrokes do not work
4. The combination of 2. and 3. means that the system will not boot, and I need 
to reset the machine.

Well... this is on a Mac Pro (early 2008) with its standard USB keyboard. Grub 
is invoked after rEFIt has done the first stage of booting. Grub is installed 
into the MBR of the linux partition. The disk is partitioned like bootcamp does 
it (using a GPT Partition Table, and mirroring the partion layout into the MBR 
partition (that should be the protective MBR partition...)), with four 
partitions (standard bootcamp partitioning includes three partitions).

I did read a lot of stuff about "USB keyboard not working", but none of them 
seem to show the behavior that a single first keystroke is working. However, 
the large number of search results prevent me from finding anything related to 
my problem.

And please apologize if this list is inappropriate for this question. I know 
this is not really a "grub-devel" question, more a "grub-users" question, but 
there is no such list as "grub-users"?

What can I do to get this working? Can I do some testing, provide you with any 
kind of information?


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