Bit a bit, progress continues: I have some crappy UI semi-ready, to
improve on later, and I'm now battling with the INT13h handler to
perform the actual mapping - had to rescue the big old "Architecture
Programmer's Manual" in order to do PIC code without the amd64
rip-relative addressing. However, I haven't yet found a way to install
some kind of "hook" so that it will be called when the boot command is
issued, preferable just before calling grub_X_real_boot. However, I
didn't go to great lengths to find it... Anyone here willing to
enlighten me or should I find my own way through the darkness (again
¬¬)? I'd like to change/add the smallest amount of code possible, but
for the sake of modularity I prefer a pre-boot hook system rather than
a one-time solution.