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Re: [PATCH] hold shift or control to disable timeout even timeout=0

From: David Fries
Subject: Re: [PATCH] hold shift or control to disable timeout even timeout=0
Date: Wed, 23 Jul 2008 20:36:07 -0500
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.4i

On Wed, Jul 23, 2008 at 09:13:58PM -0400, Pavel Roskin wrote:
> On Wed, 2008-07-23 at 19:52 -0500, David Fries wrote:
> > This calls the getshiftflags BIOS int 16h function 2 in startup.S, to
> > find out the status of the shift and control keys (among others).  The
> > required header and source files were modified to expose
> > grub_getshiftflags.  menu.c checks grub_getshiftflags and will disable
> > the timeout.
> Cannot we avoid adding code to core.img that it not called from
> core.img?  Just because it's written in assembly it doesn't mean it
> should be in the in the core.

I could make the argument that it is ten assmebly instructions, but I
think the stronger case is the other two keyboard reading routines are
right there in the same file.

I suppose the grub_checkkey and the new grub_getshiftflags could both
be moved out of core.img, but where would they go and how would they
get assigned to the grub_term structure?

> Sure, we are better off now that we are using lzma, but it we start
> adding stuff mindlessly, core.img can again grow too large for some
> setups.
> -- 
> Regards,
> Pavel Roskin
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David Fries <address@hidden> (PGP encryption key available)

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