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Re: grub-setup fails with "error message = file not found"

From: Edward Allcutt
Subject: Re: grub-setup fails with "error message = file not found"
Date: Wed, 13 Aug 2008 13:04:14 -0400
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20080708)

Robert Millan wrote:
On Wed, Aug 13, 2008 at 11:53:27AM -0400, Edward Allcutt wrote:

grub-setup: info: will leave the core image on the filesystem

The blocklist approach should still work, but it's not recommended.
I was actually unaware that grub2 was using a blocklist. I thought it always embedded the core image.

I suggest you allow GRUB to embed core.img instead by adding a BIOS boot
partitition using Parted.  We still need to trace down the problem with
blocklists, but this will tell us whether the problem is related to this
or something else.
I set the "boot" flag for /dev/sda1 using parted. I hope this is what you meant. grub-setup still fails with the same error and it still mentions "will leave the core image on the filesystem".

Edward Allcutt

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