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SMBIOS-provided encryption key patch

From: W. Michael Petullo
Subject: SMBIOS-provided encryption key patch
Date: Sun, 21 Sep 2008 08:35:52 -0400

I have attached a patch that implements reading an encryption key from a SMBIOS record. This is useful for hardware that provides a key to a system using SMBIOS when a physical token is attached to a system. This patch is dependent on Michael Gorven's encryption patch [1].

My system is written to use the SMBIOS BIOS vendor field for testing. Presently, this needs to be changed to the appropriate field for a given device. Also, there are a lot of grub_printf statements that would be removed in a production environment. The patch adds the command "dmiloadkey" to GRUB. This command sets the "passphrase" environment variable that will then be picked up by Michael's encryption functions.

I wanted to make this project available in its current state to determine if anyone is interested in it.


Attachment: grub-1.96-20080813-dmi.patch
Description: Binary data

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