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Parallel kernel loading and keystroke capture in GRUB2

From: Vlad
Subject: Parallel kernel loading and keystroke capture in GRUB2
Date: Thu, 27 Nov 2008 21:42:47 -0800 (PST)


In a recent demonstration of how to boot Linux in 5 seconds [1], PowerTOP 
developers did not use GRUB2, even though GRUB2 is a necessary component of any 
production and consumer Linux system or multi-boot environment. As I see it, 
the greatest disadvantage of GRUB2 is that it needlessly wastes the time in 
which it gives the user the chance to stall the boot sequence in order to make 
changes to the boot settings. Of course, having this option available is a 
necesity in case the user's hardware requires tweaking the parameters passed to 
the kernel. However, GRUB2 should be loading the default kernel during this 
time, instead of deferring this IO-bound task to after the timeout has elapsed.

I'm not familiar with the internals of GRUB2, but I assume that multi-threading 
is impossible. Given this limitation, I have devised the following chain of 
events which should minimize the time needed to boot the default kernel, while 
still giving the user a chance to change the boot settings:

1. Start accepting and recording user keystrokes (background task)
2. Print a message along the lines of "Press any key to change the boot 
settings". (background task)
3. Record the start time (ie. start_timestamp=0)
4. Mount the boot partition and read grub.conf
5. If a key has been pressed, display the boot settings. Else, start loading 
the default kernel into memory.
6. Record the time when the default kernel has finished loading (ie. 
7. If a key has been pressed, display the boot settings. Else, if the time 
expended so far is less than the "timeout" variable set in grub.conf (ie. 
timeout=10), keep displaying the message and accepting keystrokes for the 
remainder of the time. Else, execute the default kernel which has previously 
been loaded to memory. In pseudo-code, this would be:

if (keystroke_detected){
} else if (kernel_loaded_timestamp - start_timestamp < timeout){
     keep_displaying_intro_message(timeout - (kernel_loaded_timestamp - 
} else {

8. Once the timeout period has elapsed, if a key has been pressed, display the 
boot settings. Else boot the default kernel.

The advantage of this scheme is that the time-consuming parts of mounting the 
boot partition, reading grub.conf and loading the default kernel are done 
roughly in _parallel_ to the user seeing the intro message. This scheme also 
ensures that the user's keystrokes do not fall through the cracks, because they 
are checked before booting the default kernel at steps 5, 7 and 8.

As GRUB2 is currently set up, time is just wasted displaying the "Press any key 
to change the boot settings" message because GRUB2 is doing nothing beside 
awaiting user input. Instead, GRUB2 should be doing all the necessary 
preparations for actually booting the default kernel during this time.

Since popular Linux distros typically display the GRUB2 intro message for 30 
seconds, the time being wasted here is astronomical compared to how fast the 
Linux environment can actually boot. Changing GRUB2 as described above would 
ensure that no time is wasted while users are given a chance to change their 
boot settings.




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