On Tue, Jun 16, 2009 at 2:15 AM, Pavel Roskin
<address@hidden> wrote:
On Tue, 2009-06-16 at 01:41 +0200, Vladimir 'phcoder' Serbinenko wrote:
> I successfully tested this patch in qemu with both grub-mkrescue and
> multiboot load grub2-by-grub2. As I see root drive was always set to
> 0xFF and so this field is useless and as it's in size-critical part.
> However reading grub-install revealed that cross-drive install would
> fail if target filesystem has no UUIDs or if UUIDs are unsupported by
> grub. Currently it includes following filesystems:
> affs,afs,cpio/tar,hfs,jfs,minix,sfs, udf, ufs
> As you can see it includes even important filesystems like ufs. Now
> the question to discuss is whether we want to implement UUIDs for this
> fileystems, let it be like it is or have a cross-drive install w/o
> UUIDs. Even if we choose the last option I think root field still has
> to be removed and we can just use non-UUID drive name for prefix
I've committed the patch just before I got this message. I'm glad you
didn't object.
Usually you do a fine job so there is simply no need to object ;)
I think we could implement partition addressing by a contained filename.
As long as GRUB can read the filesystem at all, it should be able to
read filenames.
Otherwise the filesystem needs improvement
Then we would specify grub_prefix as
FSID could be a random string or is could be the filesystem UUID as read
by the OS. grub-setup would create such file and hardcode the
corresponding grub_prefix into core.img.
Good idea. Do you want to implement it?
grub_prefix should be writable by grub-setup, so I don't expect any
Pavel Roskin