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jpeg image does not show in background

From: Tom Davies
Subject: jpeg image does not show in background
Date: Sat, 2 Oct 2010 19:48:43 +0000 (GMT)

Hi :)

From experiences with my company's website i would say convert the image from 
jpg to png asap while you have it as good as it will ever get.  For the website 
i then try to clean the image up a bit if possible (given time limitations & 
likely size of useful final image).  After that any cropping or re-sizing 
less damage to the image.

Most cameras default to jpegs which are generally pretty good nowadays, it's 
only when you start messign with the image that problems creep in so doing a 
conversion to a better format seems sensible early on in the process.

Jpg is a horrible format but previously cameras used to use even worse quirky 
formats that were difficult to convert into anything useful.  They used to also 
allow slightly more knowledgeable people to switch to bitmaps were much better 
but back then it meant a camera conly hold about 4 images or something stupid.

Just because a lot of people use a particular thing does not mean that it is 
best thing to use.  Generally i would rather ask experts that work with a 
variety of similar things a lot and ask them which they prefer and why.  Often 
the answers are that 1 thin is better for some stuff while another is better 
other circumstances.

Take Windows for example.  A LOT of people use Windows so does that mean that 
Windows is the best? Imo that would raise the question "best at what?".  
Certainly it is not the best server OS!  I would argue that on most criteria 
that makes Windows the "best" DamnVulnerableLinux would be better.

I don't know how to reply to the list properly.  I tried the instructions as 
best i could and experimented but this is the only way that seems to work.  I 
hit "reply" and then copy&paste into the subject line.  Someone magically and 
kindly sorts it for m from there.  If there is someway of getting this stupid 
yahoo thing to give a better result then please let me know.

Regards from
Tom :)


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