On 02/27/2017 05:54 AM, Andrei Borzenkov wrote:
Отправлено с iPhone
27 февр. 2017 г., в 3:35, Vladimir 'phcoder' Serbinenko < address@hidden>
Steve Kenton <address@hidden>
Please avoid resubmitting patches made by someone else in
most cases. It obscures proper attribution. We can review
his patch in his thread
In defense, the idea of consolidated patch series was mine,
so blame me if you think it was wrong.
Yes, that is why Nick and I have been communicating/cooperating. I
intentionally did not incorporate his changes (which I agree with
and like btw) until I seemed to stop getting feedback after the
nested partition changes. At that point I suggested he roll it into
his patch set as Andrei requested. So, how to proceed? If you are
unsure about nested partitions, I'm sure I am clueless :-) For what
it's worth, I've been running with the --partuuid patches applied on
the (shipping) embedded linux video system which started me working
on this. Just trying to give something back to the community in the
spirit of open source.
FYI - Steve Kenton