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[Gsl-shell-info] [ANN] GSL Shell 2.3.1

From: Francesco Abbate
Subject: [Gsl-shell-info] [ANN] GSL Shell 2.3.1
Date: Wed, 6 Nov 2013 23:02:21 +0100


I've just released GSL Shell 2.3.1.

This is a minor release that includes several bug fixes and
improvements in the "general data tables" module.

I've also tried to support a binary compatibility with LuaJIT2. Now
GSL Shell ships with a conforming Lua DLL. Modules compiled for
LuaJIT2 using the mingw compiler toolchain should work also with GSL
Shell without modifications.

People using the previous version are strongly encouraged to upgrade.
Some scripts that use the "gdt" module may require some modifications
to work due to changes in the functions' naming.

About the future

I'm currently working in implementing a major extension of the
language to directly support matrix notation like matrix indexing,
slicing and an operator for transposition. This work is very difficult
but it is already there for the most part in the repl-reloaded branch.
I'm planning to release a beta of this new implementation may be in a
month or two. I believe that direct support for matrix notation will
be welcomed by many users.

As usual any feedback is welcome! Contributions to the project are
also greatly appreciated.



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