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Find me by August 21th

From: Warren Trotter
Subject: Find me by August 21th
Date: Mon, 19 Sep 2005 13:50:36 -0800

Sex and Meaning will provide knowledgeable insights into sex in politics, religion, entertainment (TV,There is usually quite a few minutes in between but he stays erect. On the later occasions his ejaculate is quite watery. He does not express any discomfort - infact quite the opposite. Is this normal? I just didn't realize guys could orgasm that many times in a short space of time. It almost seems too good to be true? I feel abit silly for asking, but just wondered movies, plays, books, music), health, business, sports, education, and elsewhere as reported in the media or experienced in the daily lives of participants in this forum. Blogging is a relatively new and evolving form of _expression_ that represents freedom of speech, democracy, and Ever wonder how the universe could allow the existence of someone as annoying as your bratty little brother or sister? The answer lies in reproduction. If people - like your parents (ew!) - didn't reproduce, families would die out and the human race would cease to exist
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