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Re: Porting guile-xlib

From: Ludovic Courtès
Subject: Re: Porting guile-xlib
Date: Sun, 27 Jan 2013 15:50:48 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.130005 (Ma Gnus v0.5) Emacs/24.2 (gnu/linux)


Mark Witmer <address@hidden> skribis:

> I'm interested in using guile-xlib to mess around with writing a window
> manager. However, it looks like my first task would be porting it to
> Guile 2.0, since it's quite old (assuming some newer version isn't
> floating around in the ether somewhere -- I'm looking at guile-xlib
> 0.4).

Nice!  Are you targeting the Feb. 16th anniversary?  :-)

> 1. Is there a good reference source for the old deprecated methods? I
> looked up a few (eg. "scm_wta" and "scm_i_makinum") in the old manuals
> going back to 1.4 but didn't have any luck finding them. I can read the
> source, but some documentation would help!

The Guile 1.6 manual is still on-line here:

‘scm_i_makinum’ is basically ‘scm_from_int’.

‘scm_wta’ raises an error or a wrong-type-arg error (see
libguile/deprecated.c in Guile 2.0.)

> 2. Since scm_smob_free is deprecated, does that mean I can just replace
> a line like "return scm_smob_free(child_smob)" with "return 0;" and rest
> easy knowing the gc will take care of the details?

If all the memory associated with the SMOB is allocated with one of the
‘scm_gc’ functions, then ‘scm_smob_free’ and similar can all be
removed.  Likewise, SMOB ‘mark’ functions can be dismissed in that case
(info "(guile) Memory Blocks").


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