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From: Tatiana
Date: Sun, 22 Jul 2018 10:48:33 -0400 (EDT)

branch: web-interface
commit 7453c2343acb28d651026d27b916e3c9d837ad6e
Author: TSholokhova <address@hidden>
Date:   Sun Jul 22 16:47:46 2018 +0200

    Fix with-critical-section wrapping.
     * /src/cuirass/http.scm: Use one critical-section per function.
 src/cuirass/http.scm | 128 +++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------------
 1 file changed, 64 insertions(+), 64 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/cuirass/http.scm b/src/cuirass/http.scm
index dcf1641..38a5f49 100644
--- a/src/cuirass/http.scm
+++ b/src/cuirass/http.scm
@@ -97,19 +97,20 @@
     (#:releasename . #nil)
     (#:buildinputs_builds . #nil)))
-(define (handle-build-request db-channel build-id)
-  "Retrieve build identified by BUILD-ID over DB-CHANNEL and convert it
+(define (handle-build-request db build-id)
+  "Retrieve build identified by BUILD-ID over DB and convert it
   to hydra format. Return #f is not build was found."
-  (let ((build (with-critical-section db-channel (db)
-                 (db-get-build db build-id))))
-    (and=> build build->hydra-build)))
+  (let ((build (db-get-build db build-id)))
+       (and=> build build->hydra-build)))
-(define (handle-builds-request db-channel filters)
-  "Retrieve all builds matched by FILTERS in DB-CHANNEL and convert them
+(define (handle-builds-request db filters)
+  "Retrieve all builds matched by FILTERS in DB and convert them
   to Hydra format."
-  (let ((builds (with-critical-section db-channel (db)
-                  (with-time-logging "builds request"
-                                     (db-get-builds db filters)))))
+  (let
+    ((builds
+      (with-time-logging
+        "builds request"
+        (db-get-builds db filters))))
     (map build->hydra-build builds)))
 (define (request-parameters request)
@@ -217,12 +218,15 @@
                     (with-critical-section db-channel (db)
                       (db-get-specifications db)))))
     (("build" build-id)
-     (let ((hydra-build (handle-build-request
-                          db-channel
-                          (string->number build-id))))
+     (let
+       ((hydra-build
+         (with-critical-section db-channel (db)
+           (handle-build-request
+             db
+             (string->number build-id)))))
        (if hydra-build
-           (respond-json (object->json-string hydra-build))
-           (respond-build-not-found build-id))))
+         (respond-json (object->json-string hydra-build))
+         (respond-build-not-found build-id))))
     (("build" build-id "log" "raw")
      (let ((build (with-critical-section db-channel (db)
                     (db-get-build db (string->number build-id)))))
@@ -263,11 +267,12 @@
        (if valid-params?
            ;; Limit results to builds that are "done".
            (respond-json (object->json-string
-                          (handle-builds-request
-                            db-channel
-                            `((status done)
-                            ,@params
-                            (order finish-time)))))
+                           (with-critical-section db-channel (db)
+                             (handle-builds-request
+                               db
+                               `((status done)
+                               ,@params
+                               (order finish-time))))))
            (respond-json-with-error 500 "Parameter not defined!"))))
     (("api" "queue")
      (let* ((params (request-parameters request))
@@ -293,52 +298,47 @@
                         (db-get-specifications db))))))
     (("jobset" name)
-     (let*
-      ((evaluation-id-max
-         (with-critical-section db-channel (db)
-           (db-get-evaluations-id-max db name)))
-       (evaluation-id-min
-         (with-critical-section db-channel (db)
-           (db-get-evaluations-id-min db name)))
-       (params (request-parameters request))
-       (border-high (assqx-ref params 'border-high))
-       (border-low (assqx-ref params 'border-low)))
-      (respond-html
-       (html-page
-         name
-         (evaluation-info-table
-          name
-          (with-critical-section db-channel (db)
-            (db-get-evaluations-build-summary
-              db
-              name
-              (%pagesize)
-              border-low
-              border-high))
-          evaluation-id-min
-          evaluation-id-max)))))
+     (respond-html
+       (with-critical-section db-channel (db)
+         (let*
+           ((evaluation-id-max (db-get-evaluations-id-max db name))
+            (evaluation-id-min (db-get-evaluations-id-min db name))
+            (params (request-parameters request))
+            (border-high (assqx-ref params 'border-high))
+            (border-low (assqx-ref params 'border-low)))
+           (html-page
+             name
+             (evaluation-info-table
+               name
+               (db-get-evaluations-build-summary
+                 db
+                 name
+                 (%pagesize)
+                 border-low
+                 border-high)
+               evaluation-id-min
+               evaluation-id-max))))))
     (("eval" id)
-     (let*
-      ((builds-id-max (with-critical-section db-channel (db)
-                        (db-get-builds-id-max db id)))
-       (builds-id-min (with-critical-section db-channel (db)
-                        (db-get-builds-id-min db id)))
-       (params (request-parameters request))
-       (border-high (normalize-parameter (assq-ref params 'border-high)))
-       (border-low (normalize-parameter (assq-ref params 'border-low))))
-      (respond-html
-        (html-page
-          "Evaluations"
-          (build-eval-table
-            (handle-builds-request db-channel
-                                  `((evaluation ,id)
-                                   (nr ,(%pagesize))
-                                   (order finish-time)
-                                   (border-high ,border-high)
-                                   (border-low ,border-low)))
-            builds-id-min
-            builds-id-max)))))
+     (respond-html
+       (with-critical-section db-channel (db)
+         (let*
+           ((builds-id-max (db-get-builds-id-max db id))
+            (builds-id-min (db-get-builds-id-min db id))
+            (params (request-parameters request))
+            (border-high (assqx-ref params 'border-high))
+            (border-low (assqx-ref params 'border-low)))
+           (html-page
+             "Evaluations"
+             (build-eval-table
+               (handle-builds-request db
+                                      `((evaluation ,id)
+                                        (nr ,(%pagesize))
+                                        (order finish-time)
+                                        (border-high ,border-high)
+                                        (border-low ,border-low)))
+               builds-id-min
+               builds-id-max))))))
     (("static" path ...)
      (respond-static-file path))

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