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29/66: programming-2022: Adjust to <Programming> style.

From: Ludovic Courtès
Subject: 29/66: programming-2022: Adjust to <Programming> style.
Date: Wed, 29 Jun 2022 11:32:00 -0400 (EDT)

civodul pushed a commit to branch master
in repository maintenance.

commit 7183c5da6bfdde41771ffa5f7f9f998403d4b936
Author: Ludovic Courtès <>
AuthorDate: Thu Jan 13 17:38:25 2022 +0100

    programming-2022: Adjust to <Programming> style.
    * doc/programming-2022/programming.cls: New file.
    * doc/programming-2022/supply-chain.skb: Adjust.
 doc/programming-2022/programming.cls  | 949 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 doc/programming-2022/supply-chain.skb |  69 +--
 2 files changed, 966 insertions(+), 52 deletions(-)

diff --git a/doc/programming-2022/programming.cls 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3313ded
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/programming-2022/programming.cls
@@ -0,0 +1,949 @@
+\def\P@banner{The Art, Science, and Engineering of Programming}
+    [2017/11/16 v1.3a ^^J Articles for \P@banner^^J]
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similar, or upgrade your MiKTeX 2.9 packages.}}
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+% From the TeX FAQ
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+% EOF
diff --git a/doc/programming-2022/supply-chain.skb 
index 7804540..0c6db4a 100644
--- a/doc/programming-2022/supply-chain.skb
+++ b/doc/programming-2022/supply-chain.skb
@@ -66,51 +66,16 @@
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-%%   % 
-%%   % the copyright holder is me personally, not Inria.
-%%   Copyright \\copyright 2021 Ludovic Courtès.\\
-%%   Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document
-%%   under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.3
-%%   or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation;
-%%   with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts.
-%%   A copy of the license is
-%%   available at \\url{}.
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-%%   The source of this document is available from
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-                      "\\documentclass[sigconf,anonymous,review]{acmart}")
-   (engine-custom-set! latex 'maketitle #f)
+                      "\\documentclass[english,submission]{programming}")
    (markup-writer '&latex-author latex
       :action (lambda (n e)
@@ -118,12 +83,11 @@
                    (for-each (lambda (a)
                                 (display "\\author{")
                                 (output (markup-option a :name) e)
-                                (display "}\n\\affiliation{\n")
-                                (display "  \\institution{")
+                                (display "}\n\\affiliation{")
                                 (output (markup-option a :affiliation) e)
-                                (display "}\n  \\city{")
+                                (display "}\n\\authorinfo{")
                                 (output (markup-option a :address) e)
-                                (display "}}\n"))
+                                (display "}\n"))
                              (if (pair? body) body (list body))))))
    (markup-writer '&acm-category latex
@@ -179,9 +143,18 @@
 (document :title [Building a Secure Software Supply Chain with GNU Guix]
-;;   :author (list (author :name "Ludovic Courtès"
-;;                 :affiliation "Inria"
-;;                 :address (list "Bordeaux, France")))
+   :author (list (author :name "Ludovic Courtès"
+                   :affiliation "Inria"
+                   :email ""
+                   :address (list "Bordeaux, France")))
+   (!latex "\\paperdetails{perspective=engineering,
+area={Security programming}, license=cc-by-sa}\n")
+   ;; See <>.
+   (!latex "\\input{categories.tex}\n")
+   (acm-keywords [software deployment, security, version control, Git])
@@ -205,13 +178,6 @@ against downgrade attacks and related threats.  We explain
 implementation choices and report on our experience since the mechanism
 entered production use.]))
-   ;; See <>.
-   (!latex "\\input{categories.tex}\n")
-   (acm-keywords [Software deployment, Security, Git])
-   (!latex "\\maketitle\n")
    (chapter :title [Introduction]
       (p [Package managers and related software deployment tools are in
@@ -1094,7 +1060,6 @@ possibly allowing users to register those when they first 
pull from the
 channel.  All this requires more thought, but it looks like there are
 new opportunities here.]))
-   (!latex "\n\\newpage\n\\balance\n")
 ;;; Local Variables:

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