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312/379: gnu: rust-sequoia-openpgp-1: Update to 1.16.0.

From: guix-commits
Subject: 312/379: gnu: rust-sequoia-openpgp-1: Update to 1.16.0.
Date: Thu, 29 Jun 2023 12:35:03 -0400 (EDT)

efraim pushed a commit to branch rust-team
in repository guix.

commit 43d75fdf049f0e46f6dff164de9acbcafc4be8dd
Author: Efraim Flashner <>
AuthorDate: Mon May 22 17:38:35 2023 +0300

    gnu: rust-sequoia-openpgp-1: Update to 1.16.0.
    * gnu/packages/sequoia.scm (rust-sequoia-openpgp-1): Update to 1.16.0.
    [source]: Remove snippet.
    [arguments]: Don't skip build. Add a feature-flag to use
    sequoia-openpgp/crypto-nettle. Add cargo-test-flags.
    [cargo-inputs]: Add rust-aes-0.8, rust-block-padding-0.3,
    rust-blowfish-0.9, rust-botan-0.10, rust-cast5-0.11, rust-cfb-mode-0.8,
    rust-cipher-0.4, rust-des-0.8, rust-digest-0.10, rust-eax-0.5,
    rust-ecb-0.1, rust-ecdsa-0.16, rust-ed25519-1, rust-ed25519-dalek-1,
    rust-generic-array-0.14, rust-getrandom-0.2, rust-idea-0.5,
    rust-md-5-0.10, rust-num-bigint-dig-0.8, rust-once-cell-1,
    rust-openssl-0.10, rust-openssl-sys-0.9, rust-p256-0.13, rust-rand-0.7,
    rust-rand-0.8, rust-rand-core-0.6, rust-ripemd-0.1, rust-rsa-0.9,
    rust-sha-1-0.10, rust-twofish-0.7, rust-typenum-1,
    rust-win-crypto-ng-0.5, rust-winapi-0.3, rust-x25519-dalek-ng-1.
    Replace rust-base64-0.13 with 0.21, rust-idna-0.2 with 0.3, Remove
    rust-backtrace-0.3, rust-itertools-0.10, rust-plotters-0.3,
    [cargo-development-inputs]: Replace rust-criterion-0.3 with 0.4,
    rust-quickcheck-0.9 with 1, rust-rand-0.7 with 0.8, rust-rpassword-5
    with 6.
 gnu/packages/sequoia.scm | 93 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------
 1 file changed, 52 insertions(+), 41 deletions(-)

diff --git a/gnu/packages/sequoia.scm b/gnu/packages/sequoia.scm
index 45502a71c5..ad84904758 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/sequoia.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/sequoia.scm
@@ -209,75 +209,86 @@ HKP protocol, and searching and publishing Web Key 
 (define-public rust-sequoia-openpgp-1
     (name "rust-sequoia-openpgp")
-    (version "1.6.0")
+    (version "1.16.0")
         (method url-fetch)
         (uri (crate-uri "sequoia-openpgp" version))
         (file-name (string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
-         (base32 "1mdprsijszkg2j6jk1iq7q1z9yikq598y12m5zbv94fs37xlx3qm"))
-        (modules '((guix build utils)))
-        (snippet
-         ;; Remove dependencies on rust-crypto and win32-cng
-         '(let* ((other-crypto-pkgs
-                  (list ;; rust-crypto
-                   "aes" "block-modes" "block-padding" "blowfish" "cast5"
-                   "cipher" "des" "digest" "eax" "ed25519-dalek"
-                   "generic-array" "idea" "md-5" "num-bigint-dig" "rand"
-                   "ripemd160" "rsa" "sha-1" "sha2" "twofish" "typenum"
-                   "x25519-dalek" "p256" "rand_core" "rand_core" "ecdsa"
-                   ;; win32-cng
-                   "eax" "winapi" "win-crypto-ng" "ed25519-dalek"
-                   "num-bigint-dig"))
-                 (pkgs-pattern (pk (string-join
-                                    (list "^\\[dependencies\\.("
-                                          (string-join other-crypto-pkgs "|")
-                                          ")\\]")
-                                    ""))))
-            (substitute* "Cargo.toml"
-              ((pkgs-pattern line name) (string-append "[off." name "]"))
-              (("^crypto-cng =" line) (string-append "# " line))
-              (("^crypto-rust =" line) (string-append "# " line))
-              (("^\\[(target\\.\"cfg\\(windows\\))" line name)
-               (string-append "[off." name)))))))
+         (base32 "1z0xl7hnm1p51pyhwdqyzcnl2dhzfjnvssz7hi15ps1hk4zzzvrh"))))
     (build-system cargo-build-system)
      (list clang pkg-config))
      (list gmp nettle))
-     `(#:skip-build? #t
+     `(#:features '("crypto-nettle")
+       #:cargo-test-flags
+       (list "--release" "--"
+             ;; TODO: Figure out how this test is supposed to fail.
+             "--skip=parse::test::panic_on_short_zip")
-       (("rust-anyhow" ,rust-anyhow-1)
-        ("rust-backtrace" ,rust-backtrace-0.3)
-        ("rust-base64" ,rust-base64-0.13)
+       (("rust-aes" ,rust-aes-0.8)
+        ("rust-anyhow" ,rust-anyhow-1)
+        ("rust-base64" ,rust-base64-0.21)
+        ("rust-block-padding" ,rust-block-padding-0.3)
+        ("rust-blowfish" ,rust-blowfish-0.9)
+        ("rust-botan" ,rust-botan-0.10)
         ("rust-buffered-reader" ,rust-buffered-reader-1)
         ("rust-bzip2" ,rust-bzip2-0.4)
+        ("rust-cast5" ,rust-cast5-0.11)
+        ("rust-cfb-mode" ,rust-cfb-mode-0.8)
         ("rust-chrono" ,rust-chrono-0.4)
+        ("rust-cipher" ,rust-cipher-0.4)
+        ("rust-des" ,rust-des-0.8)
+        ("rust-digest" ,rust-digest-0.10)
         ("rust-dyn-clone" ,rust-dyn-clone-1)
+        ("rust-eax" ,rust-eax-0.5)
+        ("rust-ecb" ,rust-ecb-0.1)
+        ("rust-ecdsa" ,rust-ecdsa-0.16)
+        ("rust-ed25519" ,rust-ed25519-1)
+        ("rust-ed25519-dalek" ,rust-ed25519-dalek-1)
         ("rust-flate2" ,rust-flate2-1)
-        ("rust-idna" ,rust-idna-0.2)
-        ("rust-itertools" ,rust-itertools-0.10)
+        ("rust-generic-array" ,rust-generic-array-0.14)
+        ("rust-getrandom" ,rust-getrandom-0.2)
+        ("rust-idea" ,rust-idea-0.5)
+        ("rust-idna" ,rust-idna-0.3)
         ("rust-lalrpop" ,rust-lalrpop-0.19)
         ("rust-lalrpop-util" ,rust-lalrpop-util-0.19)
-        ("rust-lazy-static" ,rust-lazy-static-1)  ;; 1.4.0
-        ("rust-libc" ,rust-libc-0.2)  ;; 0.2.66
+        ("rust-lazy-static" ,rust-lazy-static-1)
+        ("rust-libc" ,rust-libc-0.2)
+        ("rust-md-5" ,rust-md-5-0.10)
         ("rust-memsec" ,rust-memsec-0.6)
         ("rust-nettle" ,rust-nettle-7)
-        ("rust-plotters" ,rust-plotters-0.3)
+        ("rust-num-bigint-dig" ,rust-num-bigint-dig-0.8)
+        ("rust-once-cell" ,rust-once-cell-1)
+        ("rust-openssl" ,rust-openssl-0.10)
+        ("rust-openssl-sys" ,rust-openssl-sys-0.9)
+        ("rust-p256" ,rust-p256-0.13)
+        ("rust-rand" ,rust-rand-0.7)
+        ("rust-rand" ,rust-rand-0.7)
+        ("rust-rand" ,rust-rand-0.8)
+        ("rust-rand-core" ,rust-rand-core-0.6)
         ("rust-regex" ,rust-regex-1)
         ("rust-regex-syntax" ,rust-regex-syntax-0.6)
+        ("rust-ripemd" ,rust-ripemd-0.1)
+        ("rust-rsa" ,rust-rsa-0.9)
+        ("rust-sha-1" ,rust-sha-1-0.10)
         ("rust-sha1collisiondetection" ,rust-sha1collisiondetection-0.2)
+        ("rust-sha2" ,rust-sha2-0.10)
         ("rust-thiserror" ,rust-thiserror-1)
-        ("rust-unicode-normalization" ,rust-unicode-normalization-0.1)
+        ("rust-twofish" ,rust-twofish-0.7)
+        ("rust-typenum" ,rust-typenum-1)
+        ("rust-win-crypto-ng" ,rust-win-crypto-ng-0.5)
+        ("rust-winapi" ,rust-winapi-0.3)
+        ("rust-x25519-dalek-ng" ,rust-x25519-dalek-ng-1)
         ("rust-xxhash-rust" ,rust-xxhash-rust-0.8))
-       ;; keep the development-inputs to allow running tests easily
-       (("rust-criterion" ,rust-criterion-0.3)
-        ("rust-quickcheck" ,rust-quickcheck-0.9)
-        ("rust-rand" ,rust-rand-0.7)
-        ("rust-rpassword" ,rust-rpassword-5))))
+       (("rust-criterion" ,rust-criterion-0.4)
+        ("rust-quickcheck" ,rust-quickcheck-1)
+        ("rust-rand" ,rust-rand-0.8)
+        ("rust-rpassword" ,rust-rpassword-6))))
     (home-page "";)
     (synopsis "OpenPGP data types and associated machinery")
     (description "This crate aims to provide a complete implementation of

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