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Re: Porting GuixSD to ARM article.

From: Danny Milosavljevic
Subject: Re: Porting GuixSD to ARM article.
Date: Tue, 23 Jan 2018 11:04:10 +0100

Hi Mathieu,

On Tue, 23 Jan 2018 10:29:52 +0100
Mathieu Othacehe <address@hidden> wrote:

> The problem with the approach of no writing u-boot is when you're
> preparing a blank SD card and expect to boot from it.

Right, that would be a problem sometimes.  Most ARM boards I have
have additional flash or eMMC which would still contain u-boot 
in that case - but there are boards where this isn't the case.  

Also, if the board prefers to boot from the SD card even if
there's no u-boot on it that would be bad, too.

We could ship the generic ARM image, let the user use
qemu-system-arm to boot it and set up the correct u-boot in
there, and only then write it to SD card.

There could even be a small part in the wip-installer-2
that asks you which u-boot you want and set that up.

I'm just trying to prevent Hydra from building ~1000 huge disk images
with minimal differences in the future... :)

Maybe all this stuff is premature optimization and we could just
let Hydra build them after all.

> An other problem would be in the initrd were some target specific module
> can be required to mount the rootfs ("omap_hsmmc" on BBB for example).

Yeah, I saw that now.  I wonder how to generalize that.  Maybe try to
include a union of all possible boot-required modules?

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