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Cleaning up the /bin for guix.

From: Roel Janssen
Subject: Cleaning up the /bin for guix.
Date: Tue, 24 Apr 2018 11:34:07 +0200
User-agent: mu4e 1.0; emacs 25.3.1

Dear Guix,

When installing ‘guix’ in a profile, the ‘bin’ directory of that profile

asn1Coding -> 
asn1Decoding -> 
asn1Parser -> 
certtool -> 
gnutls-cli -> 
gnutls-cli-debug -> 
gnutls-serv -> 
guix -> 
guix-daemon -> 
idn2 -> /gnu/store/ksyja5lbwy0mpskvn4rfi5klc00c092d-libidn2-2.0.4/bin/idn2
nettle-hash -> 
nettle-lfib-stream -> 
nettle-pbkdf2 -> 
ocsptool -> 
pkcs1-conv -> 
psktool -> /gnu/store/5kih0kxmipzjw10c53hhckfzkcs7c8mm-gnutls-3.5.13/bin/psktool
sexp-conv -> 
srptool -> /gnu/store/5kih0kxmipzjw10c53hhckfzkcs7c8mm-gnutls-3.5.13/bin/srptool
ssshd.scm -> 
sssh.scm -> 

I suspect that the Scheme files don't belong in ‘bin’.  What about the
others?  Can we do better here than propagate ‘gnutls’ and ‘nettle’?

Kind regards,
Roel Janssen

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