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default GNOME desktop background

From: Alexandros Theodotou
Subject: default GNOME desktop background
Date: Fri, 08 Nov 2019 18:07:44 +0100
User-agent: Posteo Webmail

I find it strange that the default background in the GNOME DE is a plain color instead of one of the backgrounds installed with gnome-backgrounds.

I am not exactly sure how to do this the guix-y way to send a patch, but the background that gnome uses is the value of the key "picture-uri" in the gsettings schema "org.gnome.desktop.background".

So, to get the background you would do:
gsettings get org.gnome.desktop.background picture-uri

To set it:
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.background picture-uri "file:///home/me/Pictures/mybg.jpg"

Can we please set it to one of the pre-installed backgrounds? They can be found in ~/.guix_profile/share/backgrounds/gnome. How about adwaita-day.jpg? This is the default on most distros I believe. Or if someone could give me a couple of pointers how to do this I can send a patch. I believe one would just add a post-install command in the "gnome-backgrounds" package that calls `gsettings set` with the path.


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