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Re: Install script supporting sysV init?

From: Danny Milosavljevic
Subject: Re: Install script supporting sysV init?
Date: Tue, 28 Jan 2020 15:52:34 +0100

Hi Jan,


Could you try what happens in the corner cases:

(1) Try to start it twice.  The second start attempt should fail and $? should 
reflect that
(2) Try to stop it twice.  I'm pretty sure that should work (do nothing) the 
second time.  What does sysv say should happen?  Should it error?
(3) Does status work?
(4) Put a nonsensical (non-existent) pid into the pid file and try to stop it.  
Or start it.  What does sysv say should happen?  Should it clean up?

If the pid of the wrong process is in the pid file and one tries to stop it or 
start it, what does sysv say should happen?  Should one check the args whether 
it's the correct program?

If these things are handled correctly, we can add it to guix master.


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