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Re: Profiling of man-db database generation with zlib vs zstd

From: Maxim Cournoyer
Subject: Re: Profiling of man-db database generation with zlib vs zstd
Date: Sun, 27 Mar 2022 23:49:59 -0400
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/27.2 (gnu/linux)

Hi again,

Here I decided to look at the raw performance of guile-zstd vs
guile-zlib when decompressing the ungoogled-chromium source into a 4 GiB
something tarball.

You'll need to generate the tar.zst and tar.gz yourself, but the script
that was used is:

--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
;; decompress-zstd.scm
(use-modules (ice-9 binary-ports)
             (ice-9 match)

(define MiB (expt 2 20))
(define input-file "/tmp/chromium-98.0.4758.102.tar.zst")
(define output-file "/dev/null")

(define (decompression-test)
  (call-with-input-file input-file
    (lambda (port)
      (call-with-zstd-input-port port
        (lambda (input)
          (call-with-output-file output-file
            (lambda (output)
              (let loop ((bv (get-bytevector-n input (* 4 MiB))))
                (match bv
                  ((? eof-object?)
                   (put-bytevector output bv)
                   (loop (get-bytevector-n input (* 4 MiB)))))))))))))

(statprof (lambda ()
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

Compiled and run:
--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
$ alias time+
alias time+='command time -f"cpu: %P, mem: %M KiB, wall: %E, sys: %S, usr: %U"'
$ guild compile -O3 /tmp/decompress-zstd.scm
$ time+ guile /tmp/decompress-zstd.scm
%     cumulative   self
time   seconds     seconds  procedure
 48.69     13.93     13.93  anon #x1689100
 45.38     12.98     12.98  %after-gc-thunk
  3.47      0.99      0.99  bytevector->pointer
  0.46     28.59      0.13  zstd.scm:234:2:read!
  0.39      0.11      0.11  get-bytevector-n!
  0.23      0.22      0.07  system/foreign.scm:150:0:write-c-struct
  0.23      0.07      0.07  bytevector-u64-native-set!
  0.15      0.07      0.04  system/foreign.scm:167:0:read-c-struct
  0.15      0.04      0.04  anon #x1688ed0
  0.15      0.04      0.04  assv-ref
  0.15      0.04      0.04  system/foreign.scm:91:9
  0.08      0.26      0.02  system/foreign.scm:182:0:make-c-struct
  0.08      0.02      0.02  put-bytevector
  0.08      0.02      0.02  list?
  0.08      0.02      0.02  sizeof
  0.08      0.02      0.02  pointer->bytevector
  0.08      0.02      0.02  make-bytevector
  0.08      0.02      0.02  bytevector-u64-native-ref
  0.00     28.61      0.00  zstd.scm:273:0:call-with-zstd-input-port
  0.00     28.61      0.00  ice-9/ports.scm:438:0:call-with-input-file
  0.00     28.61      0.00  /tmp/decompress-zstd.scm:16:12
  0.00     28.61      0.00  ice-9/ports.scm:456:0:call-with-output-file
  0.00     28.59      0.00  get-bytevector-n
  0.00     12.98      0.00  anon #x167aed0
  0.00      0.07      0.00  system/foreign.scm:187:0:parse-c-struct
  0.00      0.04      0.00  zstd.scm:57:4
  0.00      0.04      0.00  srfi/srfi-1.scm:452:2:fold
  0.00      0.02      0.00  system/foreign.scm:188:20
Sample count: 1298
Total time: 28.614481162 seconds (15.671167152 seconds in GC)
cpu: 153%, mem: 39156 KiB, wall: 0:18.92, sys: 0.50, usr: 28.45
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

And for guile-zlib, after adjusting the script to:
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---
(use-modules (ice-9 binary-ports)
             (ice-9 match)

(define MiB (expt 2 20))
(define input-file "/tmp/chromium-98.0.4758.102.tar.gz")
(define output-file "/dev/null")

(define (decompression-test)
  (call-with-input-file input-file
    (lambda (port)
      (call-with-gzip-input-port port
        (lambda (input)
          (call-with-output-file output-file
            (lambda (output)
              (let loop ((bv (get-bytevector-n input (* 4 MiB))))
                (match bv
                  ((? eof-object?)
                   (put-bytevector output bv)
                   (loop (get-bytevector-n input (* 4 MiB)))))))))))))

(statprof (lambda ()
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

I got:
--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
$ time+ guile /tmp/decompress-gzip.scm
%     cumulative   self
time   seconds     seconds  procedure
 71.18     21.21     21.21  anon #x218af40
 20.78      6.19      6.19  %after-gc-thunk
  5.33      1.59      1.59  bytevector->pointer
  2.39     23.51      0.71  zlib.scm:99:4
  0.32      6.29      0.09  zlib.scm:182:2:read!
  0.00     29.80      0.00  /tmp/decompress-gzip.scm:16:12
  0.00     29.80      0.00  get-bytevector-n
  0.00     29.80      0.00  ice-9/ports.scm:456:0:call-with-output-file
  0.00     29.80      0.00  zlib.scm:217:0:call-with-gzip-input-port
  0.00     29.80      0.00  ice-9/ports.scm:438:0:call-with-input-file
  0.00      6.19      0.00  anon #x217ced0
Sample count: 1256
Total time: 29.800587574 seconds (8.715080702 seconds in GC)
cpu: 124%, mem: 60772 KiB, wall: 0:24.12, sys: 0.56, usr: 29.54
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

This confirms that guile-zstd is not noticeably faster than guile-zlib,
which is unexpected.

Compare to the command line tools:

$ time+ zstd -cdk /tmp/chromium-98.0.4758.102.tar.zst > /dev/null
cpu: 99%, mem: 10548 KiB, wall: 0:09.37, sys: 0.30, usr: 9.05

$ time+ gunzip -ck /tmp/chromium-98.0.4758.102.tar.gz > /dev/null
cpu: 99%, mem: 2908 KiB, wall: 0:22.29, sys: 0.31, usr: 21.98

where zstd is about 2.3x faster.

It's unfortunate that the bulk of the time is spent in "anon" (anonymous
proc?), which doesn't say much.

Perhaps I should open an issue with the guile-zstd project.



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