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Debbugs CLI client (was Re: Mumi CLI client (was: How can we decrease th

From: Simon Tournier
Subject: Debbugs CLI client (was Re: Mumi CLI client (was: How can we decrease the cognitive overhead for contributors?)))
Date: Tue, 05 Sep 2023 10:58:50 +0200


On Mon, 04 Sep 2023 at 23:06, Arun Isaac <> wrote:

> But, meanwhile, I wish to remind everyone that we already have a mumi
> CLI client that takes away some of the pain of dealing with Debbugs. It
> operates fully on the command-line and does not require Emacs at
> all. This CLI client has so far been undocumented. So, I thought it
> helpful to document it and put it into the manual. I have sent a patch
> to

Please also note that Debbugs has a CLI client.  It’s Perl scripts
targeting the Debbugs instance of the Debian project therefore they need
some tweaks as replacement of URLs, IIRC.

For instance, the help message reads:

--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
$ bts -h
Usage: bts [options] command [args] [#comment] [.|, command ... ]
Valid options are:
   -o, --offline          Do not attempt to connect to BTS for show/bug
                          commands: use cached copy
   --online, --no-offline Attempt to connect (default)
   -n, --no-action        Do not send emails but print them to standard output.
   --no-cache             Do not attempt to cache new versions of BTS
                          pages when performing show/bug commands
   --cache                Do attempt to cache new versions of BTS
                          pages when performing show/bug commands (default)
                          How much to cache when we are caching: the sensible
                          bare minimum (default), the mbox as well, or
   --cache-delay=seconds  Time to sleep between each download when caching.
   -m, --mbox             With show or bugs, open a mailreader to read the mbox
                          version instead
   --mailreader=CMD       Run CMD to read an mbox; default is 'mutt -f %s'
                          (must contain %s, which is replaced by mbox name)
                          Send carbon copies to a list of users.
                          CC_EMAIL_ADDRESS should be a comma-separated list of
                          e-mail addresses.
   --use-default-cc       Send carbon copies to any addresses specified in the
                          configuration file BTS_DEFAULT_CC (default)
   --no-use-default-cc    Do not do so
   --sendmail=cmd         Sendmail command to use (default /usr/sbin/sendmail)
   --mutt                 Use mutt for sending of mails.
   --no-mutt              Do not do so (default)
   --smtp-host=host       SMTP host to use
   --smtp-username=user   } Credentials to use when connecting to an SMTP
   --smtp-password=pass   } server which requires authentication
   --smtp-helo=helo       HELO to use when connecting to the SMTP server;
                            (defaults to the content of /etc/mailname)
   --bts-server           The name of the debbugs server to use
   -f, --force-refresh    Reload all bug reports being cached, even unchanged
   --no-force-refresh     Do not do so (default)
   --only-new             Download only new bugs when caching.  Do not check
                          for updates in bugs we already have.
   --include-resolved     Cache bugs marked as resolved (default)
   --no-include-resolved  Do not cache bugs marked as resolved
   --no-ack               Suppress BTS acknowledgment mails
   --ack                  Do not do so (default)
   -i, --interactive      Prompt for confirmation before sending e-mail
   --force-interactive    Same as --interactive, with the exception that an
                          editor is spawned before confirmation is requested
   --no-interactive       Do not do so (default)
   -q, --quiet            Only display information about newly cached pages.
                          If given twice, only display error messages.
   --no-conf, --noconf    Do not read devscripts config files;
                          must be the first option given
   -h, --help             Display this message
   -v, --version          Display version and copyright info

Default settings modified by devscripts configuration files:

Valid commands are:
    show [<options>] [<bug number> | <package> | <maintainer> | : ] 
[<opt>=<val> ...]
    show [<options>] [src:<package> | from:<submitter>] [<opt>=<val> ...]
    show [<options>] [tag:<tag> | usertag:<tag> ] [<opt>=<val> ...]
    show [release-critical | release-critical/... | RC]
    bugs [<options>] [<bug_number> | <package> | <maintainer> | : ] 
[<opt>=<val> ...]
    bugs [<options>] [src:<package> | from:<submitter>] [<opt>=<val> ...]
    bugs [<options>] [tag:<tag> | usertag:<tag> ] [<opt>=<val> ...]
    bugs [release-critical | release-critical/... | RC]
    select [<key>:<value> ...]
    status [<bug> | file:<file> | fields:<field>[,<field> ...] | verbose] ...
    clone <bug> <new_ID> [<new_ID> ...]
    done <bug> [<version>]
    reopen <bug> [<submitter>]
    archive <bug>
    unarchive <bug>
    retitle <bug> <title>
    summary <bug> [<messagenum>]
    submitter <bug> [<bug> ...] <submitter-email>
    reassign <bug> [<bug> ...] <package> [<version>]
    found <bug> [<version>]
    notfound <bug> <version>
    fixed <bug> <version>
    notfixed <bug> <version>
    block <bug> by|with <bug> [<bug> ...]
    unblock <bug> by|with <bug> [<bug> ...]
    merge <bug> <bug> [<bug> ...]
    forcemerge <bug> <bug> [<bug> ...]
    unmerge <bug>
    tag <bug> [+|-|=] <tag> [<tag> ...]
    tags <bug> [+|-|=] <tag> [<tag> ...]
    affects <bug> [+|-|=] <package> [<package> ...]
    user <email>
    usertag <bug> [+|-|=] <tag> [<tag> ...]
    usertags <bug> [+|-|=] <tag> [<tag> ...]
    claim <bug> [<claim>]
    unclaim <bug> [<claim>]
    severity <bug> <severity>
    forwarded <bug> <address>
    notforwarded <bug>
    package [<package> ...]
    limit [<key>[:<value>]] ...
    owner <bug> <owner-email>
    noowner <bug>
    subscribe <bug> [<email>]
    unsubscribe <bug> [<email>]
    reportspam <bug> ...
    spamreport <bug> ...
    cache [<options>] [<maint_email> | <pkg> | src:<pkg> | from:<submitter>]
    cache [<options>] [release-critical | release-critical/... | RC]
    cleancache <package> | src:<package> | <maintainer>
    cleancache from:<submitter> | tag:<tag> | usertag:<tag> | <number> | ALL
    listcachedbugs [<number>]
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---


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