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Re: Further work on WebAssembly target for Guix

From: Felix Lechner
Subject: Re: Further work on WebAssembly target for Guix
Date: Wed, 01 Nov 2023 09:11:37 -0700

Hi Zamfofex

On Wed, Nov 01 2023, zamfofex wrote:

> Please do let me know what you think about it! I’m open for suggestions and 
> requests, if anyone feels like this is an interesting endeavor.
> This is a follow‐up to 

I read your follow-up with the same enthusiasm as your original.

Over time, WASM runtimes may become so good that they will replace the
internal engines of GNU Guile, Emacs Lisp and other interpreted

Designing a new interpreted language will become easier. The effect
could be similar to how LLVM enabled new compiled languages like Zig.

While WASM runtimes are currently like the Wild West, I find it
conceivable that WASM performance could approach half or more of native
binaries on some architectures. [1]

Because many people like using browsers, those browsers may eventually
try to encapsulate the operating system in a way that's similar to what
Emacs and Lisp Machine fans have wanted to do for decades.

Truth be told, GNU Guix has also been described as a way to bring the
Emacs philosopy to the operating system level. Alas, I believe GNU Guix
will eventually run *inside* of Emacs rather than the other way around,
as it is currently,

The reason is that the encapsulation efforts in the browser wars will
eventually also engulf Emacs and then pitch the browsers against Emacs
in search of dominance in the user interface experience.

It will be like GNOME/Sway vs Ratpoison/StumpWM/XMonad currently, but on
a bigger level!

In either scenario, the WASM build target will skyrocket in popularity
everywhere. A WASM target for GNU Guix is very valuable.

Thank you for your hard work!

Kind regards


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