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[bug#31259] [PATCH] Add gnuradio

From: Danny Milosavljevic
Subject: [bug#31259] [PATCH] Add gnuradio
Date: Wed, 25 Apr 2018 13:36:27 +0200


Thanks for the patch.

I have the following suggestions:

* Please unbundle volk.
* Please build the documentation (that needs doxygen, ghostscript and 
texlive-tiny).  After that, remove docs/doxygen/html/_formulas.log because it 
contains timestamps.
* Please add dependency to alsa-lib.
* Please add dependency to libusb.
* Why not fftwf?
* We should investigate whether grc actually needs the inputs to be propagated 
* Please add dependency to cppunit.
* Please add dependency to orc.
* Swig probably is not needed at runtime - isn't a native-input enough?

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