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[bug#34650] Acknowledgement ([PATCH] ruby-mailcatcher: Draft)

From: Christopher Baines
Subject: [bug#34650] Acknowledgement ([PATCH] ruby-mailcatcher: Draft)
Date: Mon, 25 Feb 2019 19:10:12 +0000
User-agent: mu4e 1.0; emacs 26.1


Thanks for these patches Pierre, I haven't looked at them in detail, but
one I did spot was ruby-tilt. I've already sent a patch for that here
[1]. In fact, maybe have a look through the patches in that bug, as that
will at least give you an idea of how I've been packaging some Ruby gems


Pierre Neidhardt <address@hidden> writes:

> I've never touched Ruby before, so I've got a bunch of questions:
> - Almost none of the tests pass.  Anyone knows what's going on?

I haven't checked the patch, but often the test suites are omitted from
the archives published to This avoids users who use the
rubygems package manager from downloading the tests unnecessarily (as I
don't believe rubygems provides a way to run the tests), but obviously
doesn't suit packaging for Guix.

Fetching from the version control repository is a good way of getting
all the tests, but obviously that isn't what the gem importer generates.

> - ruby-sinatra 'install phase hangs forever (i.e. several minutes at
>   least).  I suspect an infinite loop, and it's quite weird this is
>   happening at the 'install phase.

I think theres a commit on the staging branch to pass the --verbose flag
to gem install, which may be revealing.

> - Should mailcatcher be packaged as "ruby-mailcatcher" or "mailcatcher"?

In my opinion, if you think someone might use it as a Ruby library,
stick with the ruby- prefix for consistency. Otherwise, call it what you
think makes most sense.

> - Mailcatcher seems to depend on older version of some packages,
>   e.g. version of ruby-eventmachine.  What's the commended
>   procedure then?

If you're confident that the more recent versions of the dependencies
work, then I'd recommend patching the source to loosen the dependency

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