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bug#38351: gnome-characters V2

From: Ricardo Wurmus
Subject: bug#38351: gnome-characters V2
Date: Sat, 21 Dec 2019 11:16:17 +0100
User-agent: mu4e 1.2.0; emacs 26.3


> Please find the new patch attached with this email, for gnome-
> characters.

Thank you!  I’ve pushed this with commit 4e09f57af8 to the master
branch after a number of small changes:

* applied the patch with “patch -p1 < the-file-that-you-sent.patch”
* removed tabs with M-x untabify
* separated sentences by two spaces
* updated the synopsis
* updated the first sentence of the description
* reflowed the description with M-x fill-paragraph
* changed the home page (so as not to point to the irrelevant design page)
* reflowed the source field
* removed the comments
* moved gettext to the native inputs
* added Python to the native inputs (which is needed for running scripts
  in lib)
* set glib-or-gtk? to #t because the program would crash otherwise
* created a commit (using the yasnippet for “add”) and set you as the
  author (this would not be needed with git formatted patches)



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