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[bug#45276] [PATCH 00/26] Update sequoia-opengpg to 1.0.0

From: Hartmut Goebel
Subject: [bug#45276] [PATCH 00/26] Update sequoia-opengpg to 1.0.0
Date: Thu, 17 Dec 2020 17:05:58 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:78.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/78.5.1

Hi Nicolas,

I think the big warning in rust-dbl-0.3's description could be removed.

Fine for me. will do.

Also, I notice you often skip builds, even though this is not required.
E.g., I could build rust-pin-utils-0.1 without any problem just removing
the #:skip-build keyword. I think the trend is use #:skip-build only
when absolutely necessary.

Building crate "libraries" is of no use. Rust still has no notion of "libraries", neither shared not static. it does not even provide any means to use "object"-files from another package. All crates will be build again and again for each package using it. And you will notice that the output of most crates will be almost empty (only exception: if the crate build a program).

This is why the crates importer sets skip-build for all packages it imports as dependencies. (It also does not add the crate-build-dependencies for these packages.)

Finally, I wonder if replacements, e.g., rust-capnp-futures-0.10 by
rust-capnp-futures-0.13, require to remove the old variable. It could be
used out of the code base.

We are lacking a common practice on this yet. IMO it does not make much sense to provide packages for old crates. crates are using semantic versioning, so in the long run we might end up maintaining hundreds of old packages.

Concrete for this bunch of packages: These have been added by myself when packaging sequoia last April. So maybe thos turns the balance :-)

Hartmut Goebel

| Hartmut Goebel          |               |
| | compilers which you thought are impossible |

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