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[bug#45327] [PATCH] git: Periodically delete least-recently-used cached

From: zimoun
Subject: [bug#45327] [PATCH] git: Periodically delete least-recently-used cached checkouts.
Date: Tue, 22 Dec 2020 16:19:29 +0100


On Tue, 22 Dec 2020 at 14:33, Ludovic Courtès <> wrote:

> The difference you’d see is if you pull from a few channels, but less
> than once per month.  In that case, the ‘guix’ channel would remain in
> cache (because cache cleanup happens after the cached checkout has been
> updated), but the other channels would be deleted just to be cloned
> again soon after that.
> Does that make sense?

All make sense.  Thanks for explaining.

As said, my preference of such thing is “guix gc” and not “guix pull”.
But since “guix pull --delete-generations” is already here… it pulls by
deleting. :-) Anyway, it is “guix pull”.

However, I still do not like the “automatic” part.  Personally, I would
prefer something like:

  guix pull --delete-generations=2m

deleting the cache older than 2 months, in addition to the old profiles.
Because, with your patch, if I want to change the expiration or the
period, it is not convenient: via channels.scm, maybe.

Sometime, I am one or two months off (vacation).  And I am sure to
forget to tweak the channels.scm when I am back.  Well, I have 3-4
channels.scm files; for example I am not pulling guix-past each time I
pull.  Therefore, I should have these 3-4 channels.scm duplicated with
the expiration+period tweaked for when I am back from long breaks.

Well, if the automatic is the default, a way to turn off could be nice,
at the CLI level or even globally.  IMHO.


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