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[bug#45403] [PATCH] gnu: zfs: Split into packages specific for each of o

From: Tobias Geerinckx-Rice
Subject: [bug#45403] [PATCH] gnu: zfs: Split into packages specific for each of our major supported kernel versions.
Date: Fri, 25 Dec 2020 05:09:44 +0100

Hullo RAIDperson!

Thanks for working to improve Guix's currently broken ZFS package!

raid5atemyhomework via Guix-patches via 写道:
What it changes is that it compiles kernel modules for all guix-provided kernel versions that ZFS currently is rated to support,

However, I oppose this (and not because ‘rated’ sets off my corpo-speak alarms :-). It makes your system.scm tedious to maintain, especially if we'd do this for all modules (and why not?).

Worse, there's no such thing as ‘a 5.10’ Linux module that loads on ‘a 5.10’ Linux kernel. We still need an easy generic method to build modules against their chosen kernel and configuration.

As your patch illustrates, that already exists:

(define (make-linux-zfs linux-libre)
    (inherit zfs-base)
     `(#:linux ,linux-libre)
       ,@(package-arguments zfs-base))

It just belongs in your system.scm, not in Guix itself.

Kind regards,


P.S.nitpick: unfortunately this breaks localisation and can't be done:

+     (string-append (package-description zfs-base)
+                    "
+This package is deprecated, use linux-VERSION-zfs packages instead."))))

Descriptions need to be simple self-contained strings, even if it means duplicating entire paragraphs.

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