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[bug#52064] [PATCH] gnu: Add python-sodapy.

From: Luis Felipe
Subject: [bug#52064] [PATCH] gnu: Add python-sodapy.
Date: Tue, 23 Nov 2021 19:22:27 +0000

Hi, this is a new package pretty much imported by Guix from Pypi. I installed 
it, tried it out with the following code in a Python interpreter, and it worked.

from sodapy import Socrata

client = Socrata("", None)

# First 100 results, returned as JSON from API / converted to Python list of
# dictionaries by sodapy.
results = client.get("gt2j-8ykr", limit=100)


I then generated the attached patch by following the packaging videos 

I hope it works (but I can make changes if it doesn't),

Luis Felipe López Acevedo

Attachment: 0001-gnu-Add-python-sodapy.patch
Description: Text Data

Attachment: publickey - - 0x12DE1598.asc
Description: application/pgp-keys

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: OpenPGP digital signature

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