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[bug#55231] [PATCH v1] initrd: Allow extra search paths with ‘initrd-ext

From: Kaelyn
Subject: [bug#55231] [PATCH v1] initrd: Allow extra search paths with ‘initrd-extra-module-paths’
Date: Mon, 30 May 2022 20:14:25 +0000

As the earlier patch discussion seemed to have focused on ZFS licensing issues 
that are largely orothogonal to the functionality being added, I'd like to 
again voice my support for the proposed patch. While ZFS is indeed a bad 
example due to open questions about module licensing and redistribution, it 
isn't the only out-of-tree module currently packaged in Guix which could be 
used with the extra initrd support (not counting future packages or external 
channels). Within the guix repo, the packages using the 
`linux-module-build-system` aside from zfs are:
- acpi-call-linux-module
- bbswitch-module
- ddcci-driver-linux
- rtl8812au-aircrack-ng-linux-module
- rtl8821ce-linux-module
- ttyebus-linux-module
- v4l2loopback-linux-module
- vhba-module
- wiregard-linux-compat

Of those nine, at least four look to be for specific hardware, and I can come 
up with theoretical use cases for why someone might want those or 
wiregard-linux-compat (though the cases are definitely contrived straw-men that 
may or may not be implementable in practice or actually useful in an initrd 
context, such as network booting with an older kernel and the root filesystem 
can only be accessed over a wireguard connection).


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