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[bug#59410] [PATCH] gnu: Add distrobox.

From: Ricardo Wurmus
Subject: [bug#59410] [PATCH] gnu: Add distrobox.
Date: Mon, 19 Dec 2022 17:30:23 +0100
User-agent: mu4e 1.8.11; emacs 28.2


thanks for the patch.

I’m always a bit worried when I see the copy-build-system, because the
lack of a configuration step often means that the tool makes possibly
invalid assumptions about the runtime environment.

I see that you’re patching the locations of “podman”, “wget”, and
“command -v”, but the tools contain even more references, e.g. to
“curl”, “grep”, “sed”, coreutils, “host-spawn”, “sudo”, “pinentry”,
“less”, …

It may be a better idea to wrap all the executables in a reasonable
default environment.

What do you think?


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