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[bug#61243] Add WASM-4 fantasy console and prerequisites

From: Christine Lemmer-Webber
Subject: [bug#61243] Add WASM-4 fantasy console and prerequisites
Date: Fri, 03 Feb 2023 07:48:37 -0500
User-agent: mu4e 1.8.13; emacs 28.2

"Thompson, David" <> writes:

> Hello all,
> This set of 4 patches adds WASM-4 (, a fantasy
> console that runs game "cartridges" compiled to WebAssembly.  It's a
> fun way to learn about WebAssembly using a relatively simple system.
> I've seen a WASM-4 game that was assembled using Racket, which I
> thought was pretty neat.  It would be even cooler if someone did
> something like that with Guile!

Wouldn't it be cool indeed?  I wonder if we can see progress on this in
Guile-land?  Maybe someone should take up the torch for the Guile and
WASM story.

> Packaging this thing was not exactly straightforward due to dependency
> bundling via git submodules, but I was able to unbundle everything.

Impressive!  This doesn't look like it was easy to figure out.

I reviewed all four patches.  Despite some custom stuff on most of
these, they all look well commented and sensible.  I say push it!

 - Christine

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