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[bug#64620] [PATCH] gnu: home: Add home-emacs-service-type.

From: Kierin Bell
Subject: [bug#64620] [PATCH] gnu: home: Add home-emacs-service-type.
Date: Fri, 13 Oct 2023 09:59:57 -0400


Liliana Marie Prikler <> writes:

> Hi, Kierin
> Am Donnerstag, dem 12.10.2023 um 18:15 -0400 schrieb Kierin Bell:
> I think you should separate your concerns more clearly.  Rather than
> having home-emacs-service-type take packages and all that other fluff,
> you could just have init-directory as a list of file-likes.  Then you
> can have an init.el-file procedure (or syntax) to take care of
> packages.
> e.g.
>   (home-emacs-configuration
>     (emacs %my-custom-emacs)
>     (init-directory
>       (list (init.el-file (emacs-package …) (elisp* …) …))))

Apologies!  I made some confusing errors in the example configurations
in previous message.  In the newer design, the `home-emacs-service-type'
would not directly deal with <emacs-package> objects at all.

Here would be a proper example of the newer semantics:

--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
 ;; ...
   ;; ...
   (service home-emacs-service-type
     (emacs %my-custom-emacs-version)
     (user-emacs-directory "~/.local/state/emacs/")
         (elisp* . . . .))))
     ;; ... And possibly:
         (name "server"))
          ;; ...
   (service home-emacs-packages-service-type
    (emacs %my-custom-emacs-version)
    (serializer %emacs-use-package-serializer)
       ;; ...
      ;; ...
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

I think you're suggesting flatting the hierarchy from:

--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
     (elisp* . . . .))
    (extra-init-files    ; files symlinked and loaded with `load'
      (local-file "~/guix-config/extras.el")))
    (variables '((foo . #f))))))
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

...Into something like:

--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
   (elisp* . . .)
   (local-file "~/guix-config/extras.el") ; file contents spliced in
                                          ; or symlinked and loaded?
   (emacs-variables '((foo . #f)))
     ;; ...
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

This is what David Wilson's patch[1] did. 

There could easily be an explicit `init.el-file' function in there

> Now, admittedly, snarfing guix packages out of init.el-file might
> become an issue; I haven't thought about how to implement that
> concretely.
> The upside is, that you could reuse this structure for servers.  An
> emacs-server would just take another home-emacs-configuration and a
> server name.

The upside of the approach that uses <emacs-configuration> records is
that the encapsulation avoids the weirdness of using a
<home-emacs-configuration> that contains <emacs-server> objects to
create new server objects.  Also, obviously the introspection of

The nesting is confusing, though, and I'd definitely like to work on

A middle ground might be to keep the concept of the
<emacs-configuration> record (maybe even the
`home-emacs-packages-service-type'), but make an `init-file' field smart
enough to accept either Elisp expressions, file-like objects, or
<emacs-configuration> records.

I feel like this may be more of an Elispish way to do things than a
properly Schemic way, but it's a lot simpler to understand.

We could export functions/macros that explicitly convert alists,
<emacs-package> objects, etc. into Elisp, too, in addition.  These may
be useful in other contexts.  But I think it is probably less confusing
and better in principle to chose only one configuration paradigm as the
"proper", standardized way of doing things.



Kierin Bell
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