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[bug#70065] [PATCH v2 7/8] gnu: chez-scheme: Update and simplify machine

From: Philip McGrath
Subject: [bug#70065] [PATCH v2 7/8] gnu: chez-scheme: Update and simplify machine-type handling.
Date: Mon, 1 Apr 2024 23:59:13 -0400
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird

Hi Liliana,

On 4/1/24 11:45, Liliana Marie Prikler wrote:
Am Montag, dem 01.04.2024 um 02:51 -0400 schrieb Philip McGrath:
Since Chez Scheme 10.0.0 supports all of the backends added in
branch, the complexity of '%chez-features-table' is no longer needed.
Ideally, even more of this logic could be maintained upstream, but
change will simplify maintenance in the mean time.

>> [...]

+(define-syntax define-machine-types
+  (lambda (stx)
+    (syntax-case stx (any)
+      ((_ any id0 id ...)
+       #`(define #,(datum->syntax #'id0 '%machine-types)
+           '(id0 id ...))))))
The datum->syntax call here looks weird.

It is a little unusual. The goal is to be able to copy the *use* of define-machine-types directly from the Chez Scheme source code, making it easier to update in the future. The datum->syntax call is needed to synthesize an identifier that will bind in the surrounding context.

+;; The following is copied from s/, line 36, in the Chez
+  any
+  pb        tpb
You should maybe comment ;; unthreaded    threaded

I wouldn't mind that if you think it would be useful, though I'd rather not do a v3 just for this. If someone does want to add it, I'd strongly prefer for the comment to outside of the define-machine-types S-expression so the use stays exactly as in the Chez source.

+  pb32l     tpb32l
+  pb32b     tpb32b
+  pb64l     tpb64l
+  pb64b     tpb64b
+  i3nt      ti3nt
+  i3osx     ti3osx
+  i3le      ti3le
+  i3fb      ti3fb
+  i3ob      ti3ob
+  i3nb      ti3nb
+  i3s2      ti3s2
+  i3qnx     ti3qnx
+  i3gnu     ti3gnu
+  a6nt      ta6nt
+  a6osx     ta6osx
+  a6le      ta6le
+  a6fb      ta6fb
+  a6ob      ta6ob
+  a6nb      ta6nb
+  a6s2      ta6s2
+  ppc32osx  tppc32osx
+  ppc32le   tppc32le
+  ppc32fb   tppc32fb
+  ppc32ob   tppc32ob
+  ppc32nb   tppc32nb
+  arm32le   tarm32le
+  arm32fb   tarm32fb
+  arm32ob   tarm32ob
+  arm32nb   tarm32nb
+  arm64nt   tarm64nt
+  arm64osx  tarm64osx
+  arm64le   tarm64le
+  arm64fb   tarm64fb
+  arm64ob   tarm64ob
+  arm64nb   tarm64nb
+  rv64le    trv64le
+  rv64fb    trv64fb
+  rv64ob    trv64ob
+  rv64nb    trv64nb
+  la64le    tla64le


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