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[bug#70494] [PATCH 22/23] substitutes: Move download-nar from substitute

From: Christopher Baines
Subject: [bug#70494] [PATCH 22/23] substitutes: Move download-nar from substitutes script to here.
Date: Sun, 21 Apr 2024 10:42:40 +0100

>From the substitutes script.  This makes it possible to use download-nar in
the the Guile guix-daemon.

* guix/scripts/substitute.scm (%fetch-timeout): Move down to where it's now
(%random-state, with-timeout, catch-system-error, http-response-error?,
download-nar): Move to…
* guix/substitutes.scm: …here.

Change-Id: I8c09bf4b33cb5c6d042057d4d9adeb36c24c11dc
 guix/scripts/substitute.scm | 195 +---------------------------------
 guix/substitutes.scm        | 206 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 2 files changed, 207 insertions(+), 194 deletions(-)

diff --git a/guix/scripts/substitute.scm b/guix/scripts/substitute.scm
index 38975ec366..c74da618b5 100755
--- a/guix/scripts/substitute.scm
+++ b/guix/scripts/substitute.scm
@@ -31,7 +31,6 @@ (define-module (guix scripts substitute)
   #:use-module (guix diagnostics)
   #:use-module (guix i18n)
   #:use-module ((guix serialization) #:select (restore-file dump-file))
-  #:autoload   (guix store deduplication) (dump-file/deduplicate)
   #:autoload   (guix scripts discover) (read-substitute-urls)
   #:use-module (gcrypt hash)
   #:use-module (guix base32)
@@ -40,10 +39,9 @@ (define-module (guix scripts substitute)
   #:use-module (guix pki)
   #:autoload   (guix build utils) (mkdir-p delete-file-recursively)
   #:use-module ((guix build download)
-                #:select (uri-abbreviation nar-uri-abbreviation
+                #:select (uri-abbreviation
                            . guix:open-connection-for-uri)))
-  #:autoload   (gnutls) (error/invalid-session error/again error/interrupted)
   #:use-module (guix progress)
   #:use-module ((guix build syscalls)
                 #:select (set-thread-name))
@@ -91,48 +89,6 @@ (define %allow-unauthenticated-substitutes?
           (cut string-ci=? <> "yes"))))
-(define %fetch-timeout
-  ;; Number of seconds after which networking is considered "slow".
-  5)
-(define %random-state
-  (seed->random-state (+ (ash (cdr (gettimeofday)) 32) (getpid))))
-(define-syntax-rule (with-timeout duration handler body ...)
-  "Run BODY; when DURATION seconds have expired, call HANDLER, and run BODY
-  (if duration
-      (begin
-        (sigaction SIGALRM
-          (lambda (signum)
-            (sigaction SIGALRM SIG_DFL)
-            handler))
-        (alarm duration)
-        (call-with-values
-            (lambda ()
-              (let try ()
-                (catch 'system-error
-                  (lambda ()
-                    body ...)
-                  (lambda args
-                    ;; Before Guile v2.0.9-39-gfe51c7b, the SIGALRM triggers 
-                    ;; because of the bug at
-                    ;; 
-                    ;; When that happens, try again.  Note: SA_RESTART cannot 
-                    ;; used because of <>.
-                    (if (= EINTR (system-error-errno args))
-                        (begin
-                          ;; Wait a little to avoid bursts.
-                          (usleep (random 3000000 %random-state))
-                          (try))
-                        (apply throw args))))))
-          (lambda result
-            (alarm 0)
-            (sigaction SIGALRM SIG_DFL)
-            (apply values result))))
-      (begin
-        body ...)))
 (define (at-most max-length lst)
   "If LST is shorter than MAX-LENGTH, return it and the empty list; otherwise
 return its MAX-LENGTH first elements and its tail."
@@ -365,6 +321,10 @@ (define %max-cached-connections
   ;; 'open-connection-for-uri/cached'.
+(define %fetch-timeout
+  ;; Number of seconds after which networking is considered "slow".
+  5)
 (define open-connection-for-uri/cached
   (let ((cache '()))
     (lambda* (uri #:key fresh? (timeout %fetch-timeout) verify-certificate?)
@@ -410,151 +370,6 @@ (define open-connection-for-uri/cached
                     (drain-input socket)
-(define-syntax-rule (catch-system-error exp)
-  (catch 'system-error
-    (lambda () exp)
-    (const #f)))
-(define http-response-error?
-  (let ((kind-and-args-exception?
-         (exception-predicate &exception-with-kind-and-args)))
-    (lambda (exception)
-      "Return true if EXCEPTION denotes an error with the http response"
-      (->bool
-       (memq (exception-kind exception)
-             '(bad-response bad-header bad-header-component))))))
-(define* (download-nar narinfo destination
-                       #:key deduplicate? print-build-trace?
-                       (fetch-timeout %fetch-timeout)
-                       prefer-fast-decompression?
-                       (open-connection-for-uri guix:open-connection-for-uri))
-  "Download the nar prescribed in NARINFO, which is assumed to be authentic
-and authorized, and write it to DESTINATION.  When DEDUPLICATE? is true, and
-if DESTINATION is in the store, deduplicate its files."
-  (define destination-in-store?
-    (string-prefix? (string-append (%store-prefix) "/")
-                    destination))
-  (define (dump-file/deduplicate* . args)
-    ;; Make sure deduplication looks at the right store (necessary in test
-    ;; environments).
-    (apply dump-file/deduplicate
-           (append args (list #:store (%store-prefix)))))
-  (define (fetch uri)
-    (case (uri-scheme uri)
-      ((file)
-       (let ((port (open-file (uri-path uri) "r0b")))
-         (values port (stat:size (stat port)))))
-      ((http https)
-       ;; Test this with:
-       ;;   sudo tc qdisc add dev eth0 root netem delay 1500ms
-       ;; and then cancel with:
-       ;;   sudo tc qdisc del dev eth0 root
-       (with-timeout fetch-timeout
-         (begin
-           (warning (G_ "while fetching ~a: server is somewhat slow~%")
-                    (uri->string uri))
-           (warning (G_ "try `--no-substitutes' if the problem persists~%")))
-         (let loop ((port  (open-connection-for-uri uri))
-                    (attempt 0))
-           (guard (c ((or (network-error? c)
-                          (http-response-error? c))
-                      (close-port port)
-                      ;; Perform a single retry in the case of an error,
-                      ;; mostly to mimic the behaviour of
-                      ;; with-cached-connection
-                      (if (= attempt 0)
-                          (loop (open-connection-for-uri uri) 1)
-                          (raise c))))
-             (http-fetch uri #:text? #f
-                         #:port port
-                         #:keep-alive? #t
-                         #:buffered? #f)))))
-      (else
-       (raise
-        (formatted-message
-         (G_ "unsupported substitute URI scheme: ~a~%")
-         (uri->string uri))))))
-  (define (try-fetch choices)
-    (match choices
-      (((uri compression file-size) rest ...)
-       (guard (c ((and (pair? rest)
-                       (or (http-get-error? c)
-                           (network-error? c)))
-                  (warning (G_ "download from '~a' failed, trying next URL~%")
-                           (uri->string uri))
-                  (try-fetch rest)))
-         (let ((port download-size (fetch uri)))
-           (unless print-build-trace?
-             (format (current-error-port)
-                     (G_ "Downloading ~a...~%") (uri->string uri)))
-           (values port uri compression download-size))))
-      (()
-       (raise
-        (formatted-message
-         (G_ "no valid nar URLs for ~a at ~a~%")
-         (narinfo-path narinfo)
-         (narinfo-uri-base narinfo))))))
-  ;; Delete DESTINATION first--necessary when starting over after a failed
-  ;; download.
-  (catch-system-error (delete-file-recursively destination))
-  (let ((choices (narinfo-preferred-uris narinfo
-                                         #:fast-decompression?
-                                         prefer-fast-decompression?)))
-    ;; 'guix publish' without '--cache' doesn't specify a Content-Length, so
-    ;; DOWNLOAD-SIZE is #f in this case.
-    (let* ((raw uri compression download-size (try-fetch choices))
-           (progress
-            (let* ((dl-size  (or download-size
-                                 (and (equal? compression "none")
-                                      (narinfo-size narinfo))))
-                   (reporter (if print-build-trace?
-                                 (progress-reporter/trace
-                                  destination
-                                  (uri->string uri) dl-size
-                                  (current-error-port))
-                                 (progress-reporter/file
-                                  (uri->string uri) dl-size
-                                  (current-error-port)
-                                  #:abbreviation nar-uri-abbreviation))))
-              ;; Keep RAW open upon completion so we can later reuse
-              ;; the underlying connection.  Pass the download size so
-              ;; that this procedure won't block reading from RAW.
-              (progress-report-port reporter raw
-                                    #:close? #f
-                                    #:download-size dl-size)))
-           (input pids
-                  ;; NOTE: This 'progress' port of current process will be
-                  ;; closed here, while the child process doing the
-                  ;; reporting will close it upon exit.
-                  (decompressed-port (string->symbol compression)
-                                     progress))
-           ;; Compute the actual nar hash as we read it.
-           (algorithm expected (narinfo-hash-algorithm+value narinfo))
-           (hashed get-hash (open-hash-input-port algorithm input)))
-      ;; Unpack the Nar at INPUT into DESTINATION.
-      (restore-file hashed destination
-                    #:dump-file (if (and destination-in-store?
-                                         deduplicate?)
-                                    dump-file/deduplicate*
-                                    dump-file))
-      (close-port hashed)
-      (close-port input)
-      ;; Wait for the reporter to finish.
-      (every (compose zero? cdr waitpid) pids)
-      (values expected
-              (get-hash)))))
 (define* (process-substitution/fallback narinfo destination
                                         #:key cache-urls acl
                                         deduplicate? print-build-trace?
diff --git a/guix/substitutes.scm b/guix/substitutes.scm
index e732096933..5089f3a6da 100644
--- a/guix/substitutes.scm
+++ b/guix/substitutes.scm
@@ -30,12 +30,18 @@ (define-module (guix substitutes)
   #:use-module (gcrypt hash)
   #:use-module (guix base32)
   #:use-module (guix cache)
-  #:use-module ((guix build utils) #:select (mkdir-p dump-port))
+  #:use-module ((guix build utils)
+                #:select (mkdir-p dump-port delete-file-recursively))
   #:use-module ((guix build download)
                 #:select ((open-connection-for-uri
                            . guix:open-connection-for-uri)
-                          resolve-uri-reference))
-  #:autoload   (gnutls) (error->string error/premature-termination)
+                          resolve-uri-reference
+                          nar-uri-abbreviation))
+  #:use-module ((guix serialization) #:select (restore-file dump-file))
+  #:autoload   (gnutls) (error->string error/premature-termination
+                                       error/invalid-session error/again
+                                       error/interrupted)
+  #:autoload   (guix store deduplication) (dump-file/deduplicate)
   #:use-module (guix progress)
   #:use-module (ice-9 match)
   #:use-module (ice-9 format)
@@ -46,6 +52,8 @@ (define-module (guix substitutes)
   #:use-module (srfi srfi-11)
   #:use-module (srfi srfi-19)
   #:use-module (srfi srfi-26)
+  #:use-module (srfi srfi-34)
+  #:use-module (srfi srfi-71)
   #:use-module (web uri)
   #:use-module (web request)
   #:use-module (web response)
@@ -55,7 +63,10 @@ (define-module (guix substitutes)
-            lookup-narinfos/diverse))
+            lookup-narinfos/diverse
+            http-response-error?
+            download-nar))
 (define %narinfo-ttl
   ;; Number of seconds during which cached narinfo lookups are considered
@@ -391,4 +402,191 @@ (define* (lookup-narinfos/diverse caches paths authorized?
          (()                                      ;that's it
           (filter-map (select-hit result) hits)))))))
+(define %random-state
+  (seed->random-state (+ (ash (cdr (gettimeofday)) 32) (getpid))))
+(define-syntax-rule (with-timeout duration handler body ...)
+  "Run BODY; when DURATION seconds have expired, call HANDLER, and run BODY
+  (if duration
+      (begin
+        (sigaction SIGALRM
+          (lambda (signum)
+            (sigaction SIGALRM SIG_DFL)
+            handler))
+        (alarm duration)
+        (call-with-values
+            (lambda ()
+              (let try ()
+                (catch 'system-error
+                  (lambda ()
+                    body ...)
+                  (lambda args
+                    ;; Before Guile v2.0.9-39-gfe51c7b, the SIGALRM triggers 
+                    ;; because of the bug at
+                    ;; 
+                    ;; When that happens, try again.  Note: SA_RESTART cannot 
+                    ;; used because of <>.
+                    (if (= EINTR (system-error-errno args))
+                        (begin
+                          ;; Wait a little to avoid bursts.
+                          (usleep (random 3000000 %random-state))
+                          (try))
+                        (apply throw args))))))
+          (lambda result
+            (alarm 0)
+            (sigaction SIGALRM SIG_DFL)
+            (apply values result))))
+      (begin
+        body ...)))
+(define-syntax-rule (catch-system-error exp)
+  (catch 'system-error
+    (lambda () exp)
+    (const #f)))
+(define http-response-error?
+  (let ((kind-and-args-exception?
+         (exception-predicate &exception-with-kind-and-args)))
+    (lambda (exception)
+      "Return true if EXCEPTION denotes an error with the http response"
+      (->bool
+       (memq (exception-kind exception)
+             '(bad-response bad-header bad-header-component))))))
+(define %fetch-timeout
+  ;; Number of seconds after which networking is considered "slow".
+  5)
+(define* (download-nar narinfo destination
+                       #:key deduplicate? print-build-trace?
+                       (fetch-timeout %fetch-timeout)
+                       prefer-fast-decompression?
+                       (open-connection-for-uri guix:open-connection-for-uri))
+  "Download the nar prescribed in NARINFO, which is assumed to be authentic
+and authorized, and write it to DESTINATION.  When DEDUPLICATE? is true, and
+if DESTINATION is in the store, deduplicate its files."
+  (define destination-in-store?
+    (string-prefix? (string-append (%store-prefix) "/")
+                    destination))
+  (define (dump-file/deduplicate* . args)
+    ;; Make sure deduplication looks at the right store (necessary in test
+    ;; environments).
+    (apply dump-file/deduplicate
+           (append args (list #:store (%store-prefix)))))
+  (define (fetch uri)
+    (case (uri-scheme uri)
+      ((file)
+       (let ((port (open-file (uri-path uri) "r0b")))
+         (values port (stat:size (stat port)))))
+      ((http https)
+       ;; Test this with:
+       ;;   sudo tc qdisc add dev eth0 root netem delay 1500ms
+       ;; and then cancel with:
+       ;;   sudo tc qdisc del dev eth0 root
+       (with-timeout fetch-timeout
+         (begin
+           (warning (G_ "while fetching ~a: server is somewhat slow~%")
+                    (uri->string uri))
+           (warning (G_ "try `--no-substitutes' if the problem persists~%")))
+         (let loop ((port  (open-connection-for-uri uri))
+                    (attempt 0))
+           (guard (c ((or (network-error? c)
+                          (http-response-error? c))
+                      (close-port port)
+                      ;; Perform a single retry in the case of an error,
+                      ;; mostly to mimic the behaviour of
+                      ;; with-cached-connection
+                      (if (= attempt 0)
+                          (loop (open-connection-for-uri uri) 1)
+                          (raise c))))
+             (http-fetch uri #:text? #f
+                         #:port port
+                         #:keep-alive? #t
+                         #:buffered? #f)))))
+      (else
+       (raise
+        (formatted-message
+         (G_ "unsupported substitute URI scheme: ~a~%")
+         (uri->string uri))))))
+  (define (try-fetch choices)
+    (match choices
+      (((uri compression file-size) rest ...)
+       (guard (c ((and (pair? rest)
+                       (or (http-get-error? c)
+                           (network-error? c)))
+                  (warning (G_ "download from '~a' failed, trying next URL~%")
+                           (uri->string uri))
+                  (try-fetch rest)))
+         (let ((port download-size (fetch uri)))
+           (unless print-build-trace?
+             (format (current-error-port)
+                     (G_ "Downloading ~a...~%") (uri->string uri)))
+           (values port uri compression download-size))))
+      (()
+       (raise
+        (formatted-message
+         (G_ "no valid nar URLs for ~a at ~a~%")
+         (narinfo-path narinfo)
+         (narinfo-uri-base narinfo))))))
+  ;; Delete DESTINATION first--necessary when starting over after a failed
+  ;; download.
+  (catch-system-error (delete-file-recursively destination))
+  (let ((choices (narinfo-preferred-uris narinfo
+                                         #:fast-decompression?
+                                         prefer-fast-decompression?)))
+    ;; 'guix publish' without '--cache' doesn't specify a Content-Length, so
+    ;; DOWNLOAD-SIZE is #f in this case.
+    (let* ((raw uri compression download-size (try-fetch choices))
+           (progress
+            (let* ((dl-size  (or download-size
+                                 (and (equal? compression "none")
+                                      (narinfo-size narinfo))))
+                   (reporter (if print-build-trace?
+                                 (progress-reporter/trace
+                                  destination
+                                  (uri->string uri) dl-size
+                                  (current-error-port))
+                                 (progress-reporter/file
+                                  (uri->string uri) dl-size
+                                  (current-error-port)
+                                  #:abbreviation nar-uri-abbreviation))))
+              ;; Keep RAW open upon completion so we can later reuse
+              ;; the underlying connection.  Pass the download size so
+              ;; that this procedure won't block reading from RAW.
+              (progress-report-port reporter raw
+                                    #:close? #f
+                                    #:download-size dl-size)))
+           (input pids
+                  ;; NOTE: This 'progress' port of current process will be
+                  ;; closed here, while the child process doing the
+                  ;; reporting will close it upon exit.
+                  (decompressed-port (string->symbol compression)
+                                     progress))
+           ;; Compute the actual nar hash as we read it.
+           (algorithm expected (narinfo-hash-algorithm+value narinfo))
+           (hashed get-hash (open-hash-input-port algorithm input)))
+      ;; Unpack the Nar at INPUT into DESTINATION.
+      (restore-file hashed destination
+                    #:dump-file (if (and destination-in-store?
+                                         deduplicate?)
+                                    dump-file/deduplicate*
+                                    dump-file))
+      (close-port hashed)
+      (close-port input)
+      ;; Wait for the reporter to finish.
+      (every (compose zero? cdr waitpid) pids)
+      (values expected
+              (get-hash)))))
 ;;; substitutes.scm ends here

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