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[bug#69554] [PATCH v2] build-system: cmake: Build tests depending on `#:

From: Greg Hogan
Subject: [bug#69554] [PATCH v2] build-system: cmake: Build tests depending on `#:tests?`.
Date: Tue, 8 Oct 2024 13:19:57 -0400

I think we can do this without warnings in the output logs or
modifications to the project CMakeLists.txt. We can preload
BUILD_TESTING into the cache:

$ cat cache.txt
set(BUILD_TESTING OFF CACHE BOOL "Build the testing tree.")
$ cmake --build build -C cache.txt .

It's not a "manually-specified variable" so no warning and can be
overwritten by a configure flag ("-DBUILD_TESTING=...") or from
CMakeLists.txt (as patched by the rosegarden package).

I have added a commit titled "build-system/cmake: Optionally build
tests." to my branch at as part of a
v2 for #70031.

After resolving this feature we should look to create a branch on the
build service as with #73135.


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