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[bug#74002] [PATCH] create directory with specified permissions in mkdir

From: Reepca Russelstein
Subject: [bug#74002] [PATCH] create directory with specified permissions in mkdir-p/perms
Date: Fri, 25 Oct 2024 01:48:03 -0500
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13)

mkdir-p/perms in (gnu build activation) currently first creates the
target directory with its permissions restricted solely by umask, then
changes the permissions afterward.  This leaves a window during which it
is possible that read and/or execute bits for untrusted users may be set
on the target directory.

By changing it so that the directory, if it is created, is created with
no more permissions than the caller specified, we can be confident that
if the directory didn't already exist - for example because it was
deliberately deleted in advance - it at no point was more accessible
than intended.

- reepca

Attachment: 0001-gnu-build-create-directory-with-specified-perms-in-m.patch
Description: Text Data

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Description: PGP signature

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