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[Gzz-commits] gzz/gfx demo/buoydev.py demo/irregular2.py demo...

From: Tuomas J. Lukka
Subject: [Gzz-commits] gzz/gfx demo/buoydev.py demo/irregular2.py demo...
Date: Wed, 18 Sep 2002 06:01:26 -0400

CVSROOT:        /cvsroot/gzz
Module name:    gzz
Changes by:     Tuomas J. Lukka <address@hidden>        02/09/18 06:01:26

Modified files:
        gfx/demo       : buoydev.py irregular2.py xupdf.py 
        gfx/jni        : GzzGL-jni.cxx 
        gfx/librenderables: renderables.py 
Added files:
        gfx/libutil    : effects.py 

Log message:
        Start trying to work around stencil bug; also, separate irregu2 code 
and nadir buoy code into effects.py


Index: gzz/gfx/demo/buoydev.py
diff -c gzz/gfx/demo/buoydev.py:1.2 gzz/gfx/demo/buoydev.py:1.3
*** gzz/gfx/demo/buoydev.py:1.2 Thu Sep 12 09:04:03 2002
--- gzz/gfx/demo/buoydev.py     Wed Sep 18 06:01:26 2002
*** 11,68 ****
  def ds():
      return rng.nextDouble() * 2 - 1
- linecon = GZZGL.createLineConnector(0, 0)
! # Prototype: project to a semicircle 
! # from a point.
! class NadirCircleFloater(Buoy3Floater):
!     def __init__(self, vs, center, radius, p, nadir):
!       self.vs, self.c, self.r, self.p, self.nadir = vs, center, radius, p, 
!     def addBuoy(self, anchorX, anchorY, importance, key, buoy, w, h):
!       size = importance
!       # 1. find the projected buoy point
!       # Vector from center to projection point
!       AmC = (self.p[0] - self.c[0], self.p[1] - self.c[1])
!       # Vector from anchor to projection point
!       v = (anchorX - self.p[0], anchorY - self.p[1])
!       # Coefficients of the 2nd degree eq
!       a = v[0]*v[0] + v[1]*v[1]
!       b = 2*(v[0]*AmC[0] + v[1]*AmC[1])
!       c = AmC[0]*AmC[0] + AmC[1]+AmC[1] - self.r**2
!       print "S: ",v,AmC,self.r, a,b,c
!       # Determinant
!       det = b**2 - 4*a*c
!       if det <= 0:
!           # For now, ignore
!           print "Ignoring ",key
!           return
!       ans = (-b + math.sqrt(det)) / (2*a)
!       print "DA: ",det,ans
!       b = (self.p[0] + ans * v[0], self.p[1] + ans * v[1])
!       print "Buoy: (%s,%s): (%s,%s)\n"%(
!           anchorX, anchorY, b[0], b[1])
!       # Create the coordinate system
!       vs = self.vs
!       transaffine(vs, str(key)+"_1", b[0], b[1], size, 0, 0, size)
!       rotate(vs, str(key)+"_2", 360 * self.nadir.getAngleRad(b[0], b[1]) / 
!                                       (2 * math.pi), 0, 0, 1)
!       buoy.run()
!       poptrans(vs, str(key)+"_2")
!       poptrans(vs, str(key)+"_1")
!       ac = vs.coords.coordsys(0, str(key)+"_5", 10, anchorX, anchorY, 0, 0)
!       bc = vs.coords.coordsys(0, str(key)+"_6", 10, b[0], b[1], 0, 0)
!       vs.map.put(linecon, ac, bc)
  class BScene:
      def __init__(self):
--- 11,18 ----
  def ds():
      return rng.nextDouble() * 2 - 1
! execfile("gfx/libutil/effects.py")
  class BScene:
      def __init__(self):
*** 99,104 ****
--- 49,55 ----
        poptrans(vs, key+"_1")
      def scene(self, vs):
+       # GZZGL.reallyClearStencilBuffer(1024, 768);
        putnoc(vs, background((0.1,0.4,0.5)))
        self.nadir = NadirAngler(800, self.nadiry[0])
*** 126,131 ****
--- 77,85 ----
            f = NadirCircleFloater(vs, (ctrx, ctry), rad,
                        (ctrx+1.5*rad, ctry), self.nadir)
+           putnoc(vs, getDListNocoords("""
+               Disable TEXTURE_2D
+           """))
            class R(Runnable):
                def run(rself):
                    vs.put(self.q[self.i], "XXX", 10, -20, -20, 40, 40)
Index: gzz/gfx/demo/irregular2.py
diff -c gzz/gfx/demo/irregular2.py:1.13 gzz/gfx/demo/irregular2.py:1.14
*** gzz/gfx/demo/irregular2.py:1.13     Wed Sep 18 04:15:23 2002
--- gzz/gfx/demo/irregular2.py  Wed Sep 18 06:01:26 2002
*** 1,19 ****
  from __future__ import nested_scopes
  from gzz.gfx.gl import GZZGL
! tex = GZZGL.createTexture()
! tex.shade(128, 128, 0, 4, "RGBA", "RGBA",
!           "sawnoise", ["bias", "0.5",
!                        "scale", "0.15", "freq", "1", "df", "2", 
!                        "scale2", "0.25", "freq2", "10", "df2", ".5"])
! #                       "scale", "0.2", "freq", "1", "df", "2", 
! #                       "scale2", "0.05", "freq2", "12", "df2", "1.5"])
! boxtex = GZZGL.createTexture()
  class IrreguScene:
      def __init__(self):
-         print "Texture id:", tex.getTexId()
          self.mode = 255
          self.combiners = "Enable"
--- 1,10 ----
  from __future__ import nested_scopes
  from gzz.gfx.gl import GZZGL
! execfile("gfx/libutil/effects.py")
  class IrreguScene:
      def __init__(self):
          self.mode = 255
          self.combiners = "Enable"
*** 43,91 ****
          """ % locals())
!         code = """
!                 PushAttrib ENABLE_BIT TEXTURE_BIT CURRENT_BIT
!                 Enable ALPHA_TEST
!                 AlphaFunc GREATER 0.0
!                 ActiveTexture TEXTURE1
!                 BindTexture TEXTURE_2D %s
!                 Enable TEXTURE_2D
!                 TexImage2D TEXTURE_2D 0 ALPHA 4 4 0 ALPHA 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 
1 0 0 0 0 0
!                 TexParameter TEXTURE_2D TEXTURE_BASE_LEVEL 0
!                 TexParameter TEXTURE_2D TEXTURE_MAX_LEVEL 0
!               TexParameter TEXTURE_2D TEXTURE_WRAP_S CLAMP
!               TexParameter TEXTURE_2D TEXTURE_WRAP_T CLAMP
!               TexParameter TEXTURE_2D TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER NEAREST
!               TexParameter TEXTURE_2D TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER NEAREST
!                 TexGen S TEXTURE_GEN_MODE EYE_LINEAR
!                 Enable TEXTURE_GEN_S
!                 TexGen T TEXTURE_GEN_MODE EYE_LINEAR
!                 Enable TEXTURE_GEN_T
!                 ActiveTexture TEXTURE0
!                 BindTexture TEXTURE_2D %s
!                 Enable TEXTURE_2D
!                 %s REGISTER_COMBINERS_NV
!                 CombinerParameterNV NUM_GENERAL_COMBINERS_NV 1
!                 CombinerInputNV COMBINER0_NV ALPHA VARIABLE_A_NV TEXTURE1 
!                 CombinerInputNV COMBINER0_NV ALPHA VARIABLE_B_NV TEXTURE0 
!                 CombinerInputNV COMBINER0_NV ALPHA VARIABLE_C_NV TEXTURE1 
!                 CombinerInputNV COMBINER0_NV ALPHA VARIABLE_D_NV 
!                 CombinerOutputNV COMBINER0_NV ALPHA DISCARD_NV DISCARD_NV 
!                 FinalCombinerInputNV VARIABLE_A_NV ZERO UNSIGNED_IDENTITY_NV 
!                 FinalCombinerInputNV VARIABLE_B_NV ZERO UNSIGNED_IDENTITY_NV 
!                 FinalCombinerInputNV VARIABLE_C_NV ZERO UNSIGNED_IDENTITY_NV 
!                 FinalCombinerInputNV VARIABLE_D_NV PRIMARY_COLOR_NV 
!                 FinalCombinerInputNV VARIABLE_G_NV SPARE0_NV 
!         """ % (boxtex.getTexId(), tex.getTexId(), self.combiners)
!       self.iq = GZZGL.createIrregularQuad(self.border, self.w, self.h, 
self.period, 0, code)
!       self.iq2 = GZZGL.createIrregularQuad(self.border, self.w, self.h, 
self.period, 1, code)
      def key(self, k):
          if 0: pass
--- 34,40 ----
          """ % locals())
!       self.irreguframe = IrreguFrame(self.border, w, h, self.period)
      def key(self, k):
          if 0: pass
*** 136,145 ****
          if self.mode & 1:
              putnoc(vs, self.black);
!             vs.map.put(self.iq2, cs1, cs2)
          if self.mode & 2:
              putnoc(vs, self.white);
!             vs.map.put(self.iq, cs1, cs2)
  currentScene = IrreguScene()
--- 85,94 ----
          if self.mode & 1:
              putnoc(vs, self.black);
!             vs.map.put(self.irreguframe.frame, cs1, cs2)
          if self.mode & 2:
              putnoc(vs, self.white);
!             vs.map.put(self.irreguframe.content, cs1, cs2)
  currentScene = IrreguScene()
Index: gzz/gfx/demo/xupdf.py
diff -c gzz/gfx/demo/xupdf.py:1.5 gzz/gfx/demo/xupdf.py:1.6
*** gzz/gfx/demo/xupdf.py:1.5   Wed Sep 18 03:38:29 2002
--- gzz/gfx/demo/xupdf.py       Wed Sep 18 06:01:26 2002
*** 61,79 ****
      pdfpaper(p) for p in prect
! def placepapers(vs, cs2, papers, key, x, y, paperx, papery, h):
      # The height in coords
      ph = papers[0][2]
      curx = x - h/ph * paperx
      ycoord = y - h/ph * papery
      print "x,y for place: ",curx, ycoord
      for i in range(0, len(papers)):
!       cs1 = vs.coords.affineCoordsys(0, key+"_"+str(i), 10,
!               curx, ycoord, h/ph, 0, 0, h/ph)
        curx += 1.02 * h/ph * papers[i][1]
-       pq = GZZGL.createFisheyePaperQuad(
-           papers[i][0], 0, 0, papers[i][1], papers[i][2], 21, 21)
-       vs.map.put(pq, cs1, cs2)
  # Paper coordinates of current focus
  globalx = 0
--- 61,80 ----
      pdfpaper(p) for p in prect
! def placepapers(vs, cs2, papers, key, x, y, paperx, papery, h, 
      # The height in coords
      ph = papers[0][2]
      curx = x - h/ph * paperx
      ycoord = y - h/ph * papery
      print "x,y for place: ",curx, ycoord
      for i in range(0, len(papers)):
!       if onlypages == None or i in onlypages:
!           cs1 = vs.coords.affineCoordsys(0, key+"_"+str(i), 10,
!                   curx, ycoord, h/ph, 0, 0, h/ph)
!           pq = GZZGL.createFisheyePaperQuad(
!               papers[i][0], 0, 0, papers[i][1], papers[i][2], 21, 21)
!           vs.map.put(pq, cs1, cs2)
        curx += 1.02 * h/ph * papers[i][1]
  # Paper coordinates of current focus
  globalx = 0
Index: gzz/gfx/jni/GzzGL-jni.cxx
diff -c gzz/gfx/jni/GzzGL-jni.cxx:1.21 gzz/gfx/jni/GzzGL-jni.cxx:1.22
*** gzz/gfx/jni/GzzGL-jni.cxx:1.21      Wed Sep 18 04:34:01 2002
--- gzz/gfx/jni/GzzGL-jni.cxx   Wed Sep 18 06:01:26 2002
*** 844,850 ****
--- 844,896 ----
        return result;
+ GLuint buf[1600 * 1200];
+ JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_gzz_gfx_gl_GZZGL_reallyClearStencilBuffer
+   (JNIEnv *env, jclass, jint w, jint h) {
+       if(w*h > 1600*1200) return;
+       cout << "In reallyClear\n\n";
+       glPixelStorei(GL_PACK_ALIGNMENT, 1);
+       glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 1);
+       cout << "Set up\n";
+       glReadPixels(0, 0, w, h, GL_DEPTH_STENCIL_NV, GL_UNSIGNED_INT_24_8_NV, 
+       cout << "Read pix\n";
+       GLERR
+       for(int i=0; i<w*h; i++) {
+         if(buf[i] != 0)  {
+             cout << "Buf "<<i<<" "<<buf[i]<<"\n";
+             goto nonzero;
+         }
+       }
+       cout << "done\n";
+       return;
+     nonzero:
+       cout << "STENCIL CLEARING: NOT ALL ZERO!!!!\n";
+       for(int i=0; i<w*h; i++) buf[i] = 0;
+       cout << "rastpos\n";
+       glPushAttrib(GL_ENABLE_BIT);
+       glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST);
+       glDisable(GL_STENCIL_TEST);
+       glStencilMask(255);
+       glRasterPos2d(0,0);
+       glDrawPixels(w, h, GL_DEPTH_STENCIL_NV, GL_UNSIGNED_INT_24_8_NV, buf);
+       glRasterPos2d(0,1);
+       glDrawPixels(w, h, GL_DEPTH_STENCIL_NV, GL_UNSIGNED_INT_24_8_NV, buf);
+       glRasterPos2d(1,0);
+       glDrawPixels(w, h, GL_DEPTH_STENCIL_NV, GL_UNSIGNED_INT_24_8_NV, buf);
+       glRasterPos2d(1,1);
+       glDrawPixels(w, h, GL_DEPTH_STENCIL_NV, GL_UNSIGNED_INT_24_8_NV, buf);
+       glRasterPos2d(w,h);
+       glDrawPixels(w, h, GL_DEPTH_STENCIL_NV, GL_UNSIGNED_INT_24_8_NV, buf);
+       glRasterPos2d(w,0);
+       glDrawPixels(w, h, GL_DEPTH_STENCIL_NV, GL_UNSIGNED_INT_24_8_NV, buf);
+       glRasterPos2d(0,h);
+       glDrawPixels(w, h, GL_DEPTH_STENCIL_NV, GL_UNSIGNED_INT_24_8_NV, buf);
+       glPopAttrib();
+       cout << "drawn\n";
+ }
Index: gzz/gfx/librenderables/renderables.py
diff -c gzz/gfx/librenderables/renderables.py:1.45 
*** gzz/gfx/librenderables/renderables.py:1.45  Wed Sep 18 05:19:00 2002
--- gzz/gfx/librenderables/renderables.py       Wed Sep 18 06:01:26 2002
*** 1530,1535 ****
--- 1530,1539 ----
        public static native String getGLString(String name);
        public static native float[] getGLFloat(String name);
+       // Clear stencil buffer: on some NVIDIA drivers, there
+       // seems to be a bug.
+       public static native void reallyClearStencilBuffer(int w, int h);
      """ + cls + " } \n"
  open(javafile, "w").write(gzzgljava);

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