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Re: [Gzz-commits] gzz/gzz/view LinebrokenCellContentView.java

From: Matti Katila
Subject: Re: [Gzz-commits] gzz/gzz/view LinebrokenCellContentView.java
Date: Sat, 11 Jan 2003 13:15:06 +0200 (EET)

On Fri, 10 Jan 2003, Benja Fallenstein wrote:
>>>> Fixing LinebrokenCellContentView.getSize()
>>> Can you explain this fix to me, please? I don't understand it :)
>> Without this PP looked ugly, because width of a bouding box it drew
>> around linked cell was width of the whole content of that cell. Now
>> LinebrokenCellContentView returns the width of its longest line.
> Wait. You're saying that it didn't do linebreaking? And you made it so 
> that it linebreaks at newlines (and nowhere else)? Nonono, that's wrong. 
> Not as wrong as it was before, but still wrong. ;-)

I don't understand what you mean. Just saying it is wrong doesn't say what 
is right :)

> getSize() is supposed to be used by the views to decide what size the 
> box should be they give to the Cell(Content)View.

I don't know the issues well but this sounds right.

> Now, think about what your algorithm would do: Make the box big enough 
> that the longest paragraph fits into it as a single line! *Very* wide 
> boxes... 

Yes that was the purpose. Because there isn't auto LF in PP so what we 
wanted is what Asko coded.
> In practice, it seems that getSize() isn't used-- getHeight() is used 
> instead. getHeight() takes a given width, does the linebreaking and 
> computes the height necessary to layout the text.

Hmm.. Might be better to extend a new PPLinebrokenCellContentView where
getSize is overloaded.


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