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[Gzz-commits] manuscripts/xupdf article.rst

From: Janne V. Kujala
Subject: [Gzz-commits] manuscripts/xupdf article.rst
Date: Mon, 03 Feb 2003 04:23:14 -0500

CVSROOT:        /cvsroot/gzz
Module name:    manuscripts
Changes by:     Janne V. Kujala <address@hidden>        03/02/03 04:23:12

Modified files:
        xupdf          : article.rst 

Log message:


Index: manuscripts/xupdf/article.rst
diff -u manuscripts/xupdf/article.rst:1.28 manuscripts/xupdf/article.rst:1.29
--- manuscripts/xupdf/article.rst:1.28  Mon Jan 27 06:38:58 2003
+++ manuscripts/xupdf/article.rst       Mon Feb  3 04:23:12 2003
@@ -138,8 +138,14 @@
 - Focus+context views of the web as proposed by 
   Mukherjea and Hara [#mukharjea97fcwww]_ give a 1'000ft
   view of the linking strucure (need to read & find out whether
-  they show thumbnails, or what they show)
+  they show thumbnails, or what they show).
+  Emphasis seems to be on the methods for generating the f+c structure,
+  i.e., finding landmarks, paths between nodes, what nodes to show, etc.
+  Some features use in the example views:
+       - nodes are shown as cubes (focus node as a sphere) with titles
+       - node size/height/color depicts importance/access frequency
+       - landmark nodes distinguished by color
+       - left/right direction for in/out links
 - In XLibris [XXX ht'02: going back in hypertext], recently visited
   pages are shown as thumbnails at the bottom of the window
@@ -295,7 +301,12 @@
 larger parts were torn off.
 - hw accelerated impl
+       - torn shape from a texture, mapped on the paper
+       - stencil buffer for drawing the fragment on the 
+         silhuette
+       - a non-photorealistic black line as the silhuette 
+         edge
@@ -346,17 +357,21 @@
 The distribution of the textures is designed to be maximally 
 diverse and recognizable using a rough, qualitative model 
 of visual perception.
-For example, backgrounds with uniformly random pixels would all
-look the same, because the pixels are not perceived individually,
-but shapes and overall colors can be independently random to 
+For example, backgrounds with random pixels would all
+look the same, because the pixels are not perceived individually.
+However, shapes and overall colors can be independently random to 
 maximize diversity.
 Making the backgrounds repeating creates well-defined patterns
 and improves recognizability when fragments are shown.
-- hw accelerated impl (libpaper)
 - readability
 - preattentive
+- hw accelerated impl (libpaper)
+       - colors
+       - basis textures
+       - texcoords, repeating units
+       - combiners
 Implementation on the Gzz platform

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