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[Gzz-commits] gzz/Documentation/misc/hemppah-progradu prograd...

From: Hermanni Hyytiälä
Subject: [Gzz-commits] gzz/Documentation/misc/hemppah-progradu prograd...
Date: Wed, 05 Feb 2003 06:50:10 -0500

CVSROOT:        /cvsroot/gzz
Module name:    gzz
Changes by:     Hermanni Hyytiälä <address@hidden>      03/02/05 06:50:09

Modified files:
        Documentation/misc/hemppah-progradu: progradu.bib 

Log message:
        Security issues


Index: gzz/Documentation/misc/hemppah-progradu/progradu.bib
diff -u gzz/Documentation/misc/hemppah-progradu/progradu.bib:1.62 
--- gzz/Documentation/misc/hemppah-progradu/progradu.bib:1.62   Fri Jan 31 
04:33:29 2003
+++ gzz/Documentation/misc/hemppah-progradu/progradu.bib        Wed Feb  5 
06:50:09 2003
@@ -827,7 +827,7 @@
        publisher = {ACM Press},
-%Feasibility studie of DFS on desktop PCs
+%Feasibility studie of DFS on desktop PCs: Farsite
  author = {William J. Bolosky and John R. Douceur and David Ely and Marvin 
  title = {Feasibility of a serverless distributed file system deployed on an 
existing set of desktop PCs},
Index: gzz/Documentation/misc/hemppah-progradu/research_problems
diff -u gzz/Documentation/misc/hemppah-progradu/research_problems:1.40 
--- gzz/Documentation/misc/hemppah-progradu/research_problems:1.40      Fri Jan 
31 04:33:29 2003
+++ gzz/Documentation/misc/hemppah-progradu/research_problems   Wed Feb  5 
06:50:09 2003
@@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
+We (footonote)
+footnote:use of the plural is customary even if research paper is authored 
 1. Approaches
 -there are five approaches when performing searches in p2p networks.
@@ -36,7 +40,8 @@
 -Of couse, there is the possibility to route in constant times, but it 
requires that *each** node
 maintains information about all the nodes in the network. Therefore , 
practically, this method 
--Example systems: Chord, CAN, Kademlia, Pastry, Tapestry, Viceroy
+-Example systems: Chord, CAN, Kademlia, Pastry, Tapestry, Viceroy, Symphony, 
SkipNet, Skip Graph
+-Example applications: CFS, PAST, Oceanstore
 -Viceroy system achieves O(log n) hops with only O(1) neighbors
@@ -1063,10 +1068,26 @@
 5.6. Attack models/behavior of faulty nodes
-1) Sybil attack \cite{douceur02sybil}
+1) Sybil attack \cite{douceur02sybil} 
 2) Fail-stop
 3) Spam generating model \cite{naor03simpledht}
 4) Byzantine problem \cite{357176}, p2p domain \cite{296824}
+Solutions for Sybil Attack: 
+1) data replication among several peers
+2) data fragmentation among several peer
+-in either case, both approaches assumes that two different remote entities 
are actually different; sybil attacks are still possible --> need for 
centralized authority
+-in p2p environment, trusting to collective assurance of multiple signatories 
(like PGP) is not safe/undermines the authenticity of system (because of sybil 
+-\cite{douceur02sybil} argues that Sybil attacks are always possible except 
under extreme and unrealistic assumptions of resource parity and coordination 
among entities
+Current research with regard to p2p security:
+-lot of done has been done on persistence
+-little has been done on distinctness (sybil attack)
+-computational puzzles for preventing DDOS attacks (force attacker perform 
more work than victim)
+-puzzles can be used for accountability (Dingeline, in Peer-to-Peer: 
Harnessing...), but can dangerous
+-some research has been done on on-line identities for humans. However, they 
often has a direct relation to phychical world

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