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[Gzz-commits] gzz ./TODO gzz/view/buoy/pagespanNodes.py gzz/u...

From: Tuomas J. Lukka
Subject: [Gzz-commits] gzz ./TODO gzz/view/buoy/pagespanNodes.py gzz/u...
Date: Thu, 13 Feb 2003 04:28:10 -0500

CVSROOT:        /cvsroot/gzz
Module name:    gzz
Changes by:     Tuomas J. Lukka <address@hidden>        03/02/13 04:28:10

Modified files:
        .              : TODO 
        gzz/view/buoy  : pagespanNodes.py 
Added files:
        gzz/util       : CachingMap.java 
        test/gzz/util  : cachingmap.test 

Log message:
        Some speedups through caching


Index: gzz/TODO
diff -u gzz/TODO:1.572 gzz/TODO:1.573
--- gzz/TODO:1.572      Wed Feb 12 11:07:21 2003
+++ gzz/TODO    Thu Feb 13 04:28:09 2003
@@ -16,16 +16,9 @@
 HT03 deadline:
        - the great buoy redesign
-           - buoy anchors in the right place
-           - make pagespan nodes show just the span, when
-             shown as buoys!
-           - figure out how scrollblock nodes shall be linked back 
-             with right
-             coordsys
-               - renderBuoy returns anchor CS
-           - implement and test scrollblock nodes and zzstructure nodes.
-           - combine with mudyc's PP nodes.
-           + make buoys return the anchor
+           - irregu for pagespan nodes
+           - buoy sizes
+           - speedups
        - article: is buoy geometry and the reasons discussed?
          projective lines easy, etc
Index: gzz/gzz/view/buoy/pagespanNodes.py
diff -u gzz/gzz/view/buoy/pagespanNodes.py:1.31 
--- gzz/gzz/view/buoy/pagespanNodes.py:1.31     Wed Feb 12 11:07:21 2003
+++ gzz/gzz/view/buoy/pagespanNodes.py  Thu Feb 13 04:28:10 2003
@@ -22,6 +22,21 @@
 pscv = gzz.view.PageSpanCellView()
 pscv.useBg = 1
+class ScrollblockData:
+    def __init__(self, scrollBlock):
+       self.layout = pscv.getLayout(scrollBlock)
+       self.irregu = gfx.libutil.effects.IrreguFrame(0, 0, 
+                       self.layout.w, self.layout.h, 50, 200)
+scrollblockDatas = gzz.util.CachingMap(40)
+def getScrollblockData(scrollBlock):
+    data = scrollblockDatas.get(scrollBlock)
+    if data == None:
+       data = ScrollblockData(scrollBlock)
+       scrollblockDatas.put(scrollBlock, data)
+    return data
 def makeEnf(span):
     return gzz.media.impl.Enfilade1DImpl.theMaker.makeEnfilade(span)
@@ -39,29 +54,30 @@
 class WholePageSpanNodeType(AbstractPageSpanNodeType):
     def getSize(self, linkId, anchorSpan, wh):
        sb = anchorSpan.getScrollBlock();
-       layout = pscv.getLayout(sb)
-       wh[0] = layout.w
-       wh[1] = layout.h
-       return layout
+       data = getScrollblockData(sb)
+       layout = getLayout(sb)
+       wh[0] = data.layout.w
+       wh[1] = data.layout.h
+       return data
-    def renderBuoy(self, vs, into, linkId, anchorSpan, layout):
-       if layout == None: 
-           layout = pscv.getLayout(anchorSpan.getScrollBlock())
+    def renderBuoy(self, vs, into, linkId, anchorSpan, data):
+       if data == None: 
+           data = getScrollblockData(anchorSpan.getScrollBlock)
        # For now, we'll just squish to fit
-       layout.placeBoxed(vs, into, .3, 100)
+       data.layout.placeBoxed(vs, into, .3, 100)
        return into
 class AnchorPageSpanNodeType(AbstractPageSpanNodeType):
-    def renderBuoy(self, vs, into, linkId, anchorSpan, layout):
+    def renderBuoy(self, vs, into, linkId, anchorSpan, data):
        if 0:
            dbg1 = vs.unitSqCS(into, "U")
            vs.put(coloredQuad((1,0,0)), dbg1)
-       if layout == None: 
-           layout = pscv.getLayout(anchorSpan.getScrollBlock())
+       if data == None: 
+           data = getScrollblockData(anchorSpan.getScrollBlock())
        vs.coords.getSqSize(into, size)
-       extents = layout.getExtents(anchorSpan, None)
+       extents = data.layout.getExtents(anchorSpan, None)
        print "ExtentsInit: ", [i for i in extents]
        print "size: ", [s for s in size]
        scalex = size[0] / extents[2] 
@@ -79,23 +95,18 @@
        paperCS = vs.orthoCS(into, "paper", 0, -extents[0] * scale,
                                -extents[1] * scale, scale, scale)
-       irregu = gfx.libutil.effects.IrreguFrame(0, 0, layout.w, layout.h,
-                   50, 200, type="square")
-#      irregu = gfx.libutil.effects.IrreguFrame(-100, -100, 100*layout.w, 
-#                  .05, .25, type="square")
        paperLoc = vs.coords.ortho(0, 0, extents[0], extents[1], extents[2], 
        vs.matcher.add(paperCS, paperLoc, "VIEWPORT")
        class FrameR(java.lang.Runnable):
            def run(rself):
-               vs.map.put(irregu.frame, paperCS, paperLoc)
+               vs.map.put(data.irregu.frame, paperCS, paperLoc)
        class ContentR(java.lang.Runnable):
            def run(rself):
-               vs.map.put(irregu.content, paperCS, paperLoc)
+               vs.map.put(data.irregu.content, paperCS, paperLoc)
        class LayoutR(java.lang.Runnable):
            def run(rself):
-               layout.place(vs, paperCS, .6, 200, into)
+               data.layout.place(vs, paperCS, .6, 200, into)
        gzz.gfx.gl.Stencil.drawStenciled(vs, ContentR(), None, FrameR(), 
LayoutR(), 1)
        # LayoutR().run()
@@ -117,9 +128,9 @@
        self.enf = makeEnf(self.scrollBlock.getCurrent())
        self.size = jarray.zeros(2, "f")
-       self.layout = pscv.getLayout(self.enf)
+       self.data = getScrollblockData(self.scrollBlock)
-       xywh = self.layout.getExtents(anchorSpan, None)
+       xywh = self.data.layout.getExtents(anchorSpan, None)
        self.fisheye = gzz.view.FisheyeState(
            1.1, .04, 5, 2, 1000
@@ -133,7 +144,7 @@
        for repr in gzz.zzutil.Media.getScrollBlockRepresentatives(enf):
            if repr.getScrollBlock() == self.scrollBlock:
-               xywh = self.layout.getExtents(repr, None)
+               xywh = self.data.layout.getExtents(repr, None)
                return self.vs.orthoBoxCS(self.shift, key, -20,
                                xywh[0], xywh[1], 1, 1,xywh[2], xywh[3])
@@ -144,7 +155,7 @@
        vs.coords.getSqSize(into, size)
        print "SQ:", size[0], size[1]
-       self.scale = size[1] / self.layout.h 
+       self.scale = size[1] / self.data.layout.h 
        self.ctr = vs.translateCS(into, "ORIGIN", .5 * size[0],
                    .5 * size[1])
        self.scale = vs.scaleCS(self.ctr, "SCALE", self.scale, self.scale)
@@ -153,7 +164,7 @@
        # XXX This is not right: the distortion
        # should be done here.
-       self.layout.place(vs, self.shift, .7, 300)
+       self.data.layout.place(vs, self.shift, .7, 300)
        if self.nodetype.scrollBlockLinker.enfiladeOverlap != None:
            matches = (self.nodetype.scrollBlockLinker
@@ -182,7 +193,7 @@
     def doReq(self):
-       self.layout.request(self.fisheye.curx, self.fisheye.cury, 0, 1, 2000)
+       self.data.layout.request(self.fisheye.curx, self.fisheye.cury, 0, 1, 
     def mouse(self, mouseEvent, oldVS):
        if self.fisheye.event(mouseEvent):
@@ -209,8 +220,8 @@
            y = size[1]
            if x < 0: x = 0
            if y < 0: y = 0
-           if x > self.layout.w: x = self.layout.w
-           if y > self.layout.h: y = self.layout.h
+           if x > self.data.layout.w: x = self.data.layout.w
+           if y > self.data.layout.h: y = self.data.layout.h
            self.fisheye.setCenter(x, y)

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