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[Gzz-commits] manuscripts/storm article.rst
From: |
Toni Alatalo |
Subject: |
[Gzz-commits] manuscripts/storm article.rst |
Date: |
Sat, 15 Feb 2003 11:35:50 -0500 |
CVSROOT: /cvsroot/gzz
Module name: manuscripts
Changes by: Toni Alatalo <address@hidden> 03/02/15 11:35:50
Modified files:
storm : article.rst
Log message:
more on open issues
Index: manuscripts/storm/article.rst
diff -u manuscripts/storm/article.rst:1.170 manuscripts/storm/article.rst:1.171
--- manuscripts/storm/article.rst:1.170 Sat Feb 15 11:35:10 2003
+++ manuscripts/storm/article.rst Sat Feb 15 11:35:50 2003
@@ -1082,15 +1082,14 @@
7.2 Status, open issues and future work
-[worth to mention, security in general ? -Hermanni]
-1) Open issue: We want to be able
-to copy the blocks from the NYT publication pool to our local computer
-and verify offline that it really comes from NYT. How to do this will go
-into the article as an open research question ;-)
+.. [worth to mention, security in general ? -Hermanni]
+ 1) Open issue: We want to be able
+ to copy the blocks from the NYT publication pool to our local computer
+ and verify offline that it really comes from NYT. How to do this will go
+ into the article as an open research question ;-)
-2) Open issue: identification of online entities ?
-[worth to mention ? -Hermanni]
+.. 2) Open issue: identification of online entities ?
+ [worth to mention ? -Hermanni]
.. moved the following here from intro, as suggested by (b&) Hermanni
@@ -1105,9 +1104,10 @@
Xanalogical principles and) to use Storm for storage. A candidate for this
work is the object-oriented (web) publishing environment Zope [ref
zope.org/com, book,
article?], which is open source and stores everything by default as diffs to
-a (flat file) database.
+a (flat file) database. Another way is studying the applicability of the
+open hypermedia protocol (OHP) [refs].
-.. [worth to mention ? -Hermanni]
+.. [worth to mention ? -Hermanni .. left here as notes for future --antont]
objectbase ZODB).(?) The benefits Storm would provide there, and how e.g.
peer-to-peer based Zope would then work, are yet unknown for the authors.
(feel free to know, though :) Similarly(?) to Storm, Zope also stores
@@ -1119,15 +1119,16 @@
.. [worth to mention ? -Hermanni]
-design&impelement p2p functionality, where Symphony and Kademlia potential
-for DHT overlay
-.. [worth to mention, fetching data etc. ? -Hermanni]
-1. Open issue: Tree hashing, also possibly needed for (OceanStore-like?)
- distribution of shares
-2. Open issue/Future directions: implement multisource downloading
+Designing and implementing the peer-to-peer functionality, where Symphony
+and Kademlia are potential alternativies for the DHT overlay, is being
+worked on. There open issues include the use of tree hashing, the
+potential need for (OceanStore-like?) distribution of shares and
+implementing multisource downloading.
+As mentioned in the presentation of Storm block storage (section 4.),
+although the terminology used here is about characters and text, all media
+are considered. There dealing with e.g. video data, with very large file
+sizes, as (collections of) blocks, is partly unresolved.
.. [not worth to mention ? -Hermanni]
[how does video work here, i.e. are they huge blocks or collections of many
@@ -1151,13 +1152,6 @@
.. [not worth to mention, see above ? -Hermanni]
Open issue: other related systems (within gzz?) for e.g. more synchronous
collabaration (irc?)?
-.. [not worth to mention, see above OpenHyp paragraph ? -Hermanni]
- Investigating the degrees of interoperability with Open Hypermedia
- (/Structural Computing?) and (more primitive?) other (Web) XXX is a possible
- direction for future work, and will be preliminarly discussed here too.
- [benja says: Really? Do we/can we discuss that really? antont: 'll try.]
- (checked OHProtocol, no fruit there yet)
.. [not worth to mention, first p2p proto then these ;) ? -Hermanni]
p2p -> cf half-life of peers (Mojo Nation): Is it desirable that 'weak'
- [Gzz-commits] manuscripts/storm article.rst, (continued)
- [Gzz-commits] manuscripts/storm article.rst, Benja Fallenstein, 2003/02/15
- [Gzz-commits] manuscripts/storm article.rst, Benja Fallenstein, 2003/02/15
- [Gzz-commits] manuscripts/storm article.rst, Benja Fallenstein, 2003/02/15
- [Gzz-commits] manuscripts/storm article.rst, Benja Fallenstein, 2003/02/15
- [Gzz-commits] manuscripts/storm article.rst, Benja Fallenstein, 2003/02/15
- [Gzz-commits] manuscripts/storm article.rst, Toni Alatalo, 2003/02/15
- [Gzz-commits] manuscripts/storm article.rst, Benja Fallenstein, 2003/02/15
- [Gzz-commits] manuscripts/storm article.rst, Benja Fallenstein, 2003/02/15
- [Gzz-commits] manuscripts/storm article.rst, Toni Alatalo, 2003/02/15
- [Gzz-commits] manuscripts/storm article.rst, Benja Fallenstein, 2003/02/15
- [Gzz-commits] manuscripts/storm article.rst,
Toni Alatalo <=
- [Gzz-commits] manuscripts/storm article.rst, Benja Fallenstein, 2003/02/15
- [Gzz-commits] manuscripts/storm article.rst, Benja Fallenstein, 2003/02/15
- [Gzz-commits] manuscripts/storm article.rst, Benja Fallenstein, 2003/02/15
- [Gzz-commits] manuscripts/storm article.rst, Benja Fallenstein, 2003/02/15
- [Gzz-commits] manuscripts/storm article.rst, Toni Alatalo, 2003/02/15
- [Gzz-commits] manuscripts/storm article.rst, Toni Alatalo, 2003/02/15
- [Gzz-commits] manuscripts/storm article.rst, Benja Fallenstein, 2003/02/15
- [Gzz-commits] manuscripts/storm article.rst, Benja Fallenstein, 2003/02/15
- [Gzz-commits] manuscripts/storm article.rst, Benja Fallenstein, 2003/02/15
- [Gzz-commits] manuscripts/storm article.rst, Toni Alatalo, 2003/02/15