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[Gzz-commits] manuscripts/UMLLink article.rst

From: Tuukka Hastrup
Subject: [Gzz-commits] manuscripts/UMLLink article.rst
Date: Sat, 15 Feb 2003 15:17:11 -0500

CVSROOT:        /cvsroot/gzz
Module name:    manuscripts
Changes by:     Tuukka Hastrup <address@hidden> 03/02/15 15:17:11

Modified files:
        UMLLink        : article.rst 

Log message:
        a try on xp paragraph


Index: manuscripts/UMLLink/article.rst
diff -u manuscripts/UMLLink/article.rst:1.80 
--- manuscripts/UMLLink/article.rst:1.80        Sat Feb 15 14:48:25 2003
+++ manuscripts/UMLLink/article.rst     Sat Feb 15 15:17:10 2003
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
 .. Alternative title: "Free Software toolchain for bidirectional 
    linking between UML diagrams and Javadoc"
-.. :Stamp: $Id: article.rst,v 1.80 2003/02/15 19:48:25 humppake Exp $
+.. :Stamp: $Id: article.rst,v 1.81 2003/02/15 20:17:10 tuukkah Exp $
 .. Points for HT people
@@ -193,6 +193,20 @@
 ameliorate the Mythical Man Month effect
 Improving the learning curve of new programmers may have significant effects.
+In our development effort, different parts of the system have
+different needs for the development process: the core parts of the system are 
+frozen and
+require a more formal process for changes, as in Boehm's Spiral Model
+of software development and enhancement [boehm88spiral-model]_.
+On the outer edges of the system, new research is taking place and should
+not be hampered by process or documentation beyond the immediate
+needs of the group members involved in the development of that particular part.
+For this reason we have adopted some conventions from Extreme Programming, 
+such as continuing analysis of design objectives along 
+the implemention progress [beck99xp]_. This calls for cross-linkage between 
+design and program code documentation, as they both evolve continuously.
 ..  Yet another challange for software development documentation
     particularly in academic research groups is often the experimental

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