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[Gzz-commits] manuscripts/xupdf article.rst

From: Tuomas J. Lukka
Subject: [Gzz-commits] manuscripts/xupdf article.rst
Date: Sat, 15 Feb 2003 16:44:52 -0500

CVSROOT:        /cvsroot/gzz
Module name:    manuscripts
Changes by:     Tuomas J. Lukka <address@hidden>        03/02/15 16:44:52

Modified files:
        xupdf          : article.rst 

Log message:


Index: manuscripts/xupdf/article.rst
diff -u manuscripts/xupdf/article.rst:1.158 manuscripts/xupdf/article.rst:1.159
--- manuscripts/xupdf/article.rst:1.158 Sat Feb 15 16:36:02 2003
+++ manuscripts/xupdf/article.rst       Sat Feb 15 16:44:52 2003
@@ -394,11 +394,9 @@
 Instead, the texture should only depend on a permanent identity
 of the node.
 That way, the textures in any view are similar only by chance
-and can be recognizied even after long periods of time.
-[XXX Need to explain a LOT better]
+and can be recognized (in the sense of at least feeling familiar)
+even after long periods of time.
-.. , that does note change even if the content is
-   edited (e.g., annotations made by the user).
 The background textures are generated at run time,
@@ -471,7 +469,6 @@
 The animation does not look like the edge just gliding
 over the document, but rather as if larger and 
 larger parts were magically torn off the original document. 
-[XXX: screenshots]
 ..  Furthermore, the varying shapes of the edges
     help the user distinguish between targets torn off

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