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[Gzz-commits] gzz TODO TODO-vob

From: Tuomas J. Lukka
Subject: [Gzz-commits] gzz TODO TODO-vob
Date: Fri, 21 Feb 2003 06:50:16 -0500

CVSROOT:        /cvsroot/gzz
Module name:    gzz
Changes by:     Tuomas J. Lukka <address@hidden>        03/02/21 06:50:13

Modified files:
        .              : TODO 
Added files:
        .              : TODO-vob 

Log message:
        Separating more


Index: gzz/TODO
diff -u gzz/TODO:1.592 gzz/TODO:1.593
--- gzz/TODO:1.592      Thu Feb 20 09:48:29 2003
+++ gzz/TODO    Fri Feb 21 06:50:12 2003
@@ -60,15 +60,8 @@
        - suggest books to be ordered (hypertext)
        - rename the classes of buoy view
-       - move lots of stuff to lava and basalt
 0.8alpha5: saving, loading etc. with mediaserver useful; tests
-    jvk:
-       - fixes to demokeys 
-           - log slider
-           - slider min/max
-           - ...
-       - mipzip maker running instrs
         - finish Storm
          - diffing
@@ -123,12 +116,7 @@
        - fix paperopts.use_opengl_1_1
                - the use_opengl_1_1 state should be in papermill
                  and not global.
-       - redesign liblines API to be more generic
-       - Extension disabling altough gfx provides them. 
-          "OpenGL 1.1 emulator".
-       - propagate expose events correctly 
-       - when a gl window is closed, call Binder.windowClosed()
        - xupdf / xubuoy
            - review code, suggest cleanups and improvements
        - document our UML software (metacode/uml*,
@@ -160,13 +148,9 @@
        + speed up tests: currently too much execfile().. could
          pre-compile and exec compiled in the same globals().
-       + genimages: allow using different formats for generated images.
-         Specifically, need to be able to use gzipped S3TC files; 
-         should be a LOT faster to load.
        - reST -> latex (cleanup?)
        - fix umltool graphics to be closer to the UML 3amigos books
-       - make test that catches tjl's quick fix to culling coordsys in article 
        - fix dep directive to be 
            dep BuoyViewNode "calls" BuoyLinkListener
          instead of
@@ -238,13 +222,6 @@
               content will be in square
        + create gfx/libirregu from irregu4.py and make effects.py to use
           new libirregu... ask jvk for more.
-       + fix the way nonlinearity of coordsys is handled.
-         Needs a slightly better approach, with also 
-         direction of nonlinearity taken into account.
-         If we can save a lot of dicing by thinking a little
-         more, we probably should.
-         Need to have alternative algorithms (fast/good) though, for 
-         different cases.
        + port Mind* views from 0.6
        + stretching vobs suitable for their contents' size
          - the idea is to request (view requests) the size from 
@@ -263,78 +240,34 @@
        + benchmark line broking (in LinebrokenCellContentView)
        + clean pegboard.py (= make more oo, since Python is oo language)
          + check why running with jython causes harmless SyntaxWarning
-       + better algorithm for CullingCoordSys. Uses now parallel
-          bounding boxes. Fast, but not very efficient.
-       + implement Paper TexGenEmboss::setUp_explicit
-       + glvobcoorder.test : testCulling:
-         don't use Paper, use a different-colored
-         filled rectangle and test clearly for both
-         colors (not "not" tests but test that the 
-         color really is right)
        - the great buoy redesign
-           - buoy comes too early through the new main frame when animateing.
-             Eli poiju napsahtaa liian aikaisin esiin, tätä on tietysti vaikea 
-              koska kyse on lineaarisesta interpolaatiosta?
            - painting the squares with mouse and send coords to console 
              to help with building the screenshots scene.
                - can make structure directly... with little help.
                  will try.
            - speedups
-       - figure out how to combine buoys with the same view!
        - xupdf: distorted multi-page PDF view with xu links
            - clean the code: split PageSpanPaper &c.
-           - adjustable zoom / distortion area by mouse
-               - important for letting user feel in control!
-           - start fixing geometry
-           - buoy circle -> ellipse
            - repaint first the existing vobscene!!
-           - change memorypartitioner focus scale:  0..1 is not good,
-             should be 0..2, where 0..1 as now, 1..2 = things that are so
-             close to focus that they should be loaded at highest res.
-             if possible, if not, prioritize them.
            - overall goal: USEFUL when article writing starts
            - structure editing
-           - multiple instances of same cell visible as a buoy --> keys?
-               - special matcher? or pp/VobKeyer?
-               - really USE hierarchical keys
            + joystick?
            - use off-screen buffer for libpaper r2t
            - use background loading for paper textures
                - generate mipzips
-       - make demo start screen size adjustable by environment vars
-       - matrix inv!
-       - vobmatcher keymapping to work in both directions
        - PEG 
            - move Obs to gzz.util, freeze some gzz.util classes
            - getEnfilade -> Cell
            - obsless getEnfilade
-       - better graphics for xupdf and pp
-           - fillets without the original object
-               - normal direction as data
-               - dicing only when needed
-               - fill with fading color
        - fillet demo
            + fix last two screens
            - add new libfillet code
-       - implement "motion-sensitive" vobs:
-         GL renderables that run if used in motion, or in static frame.
-         For instance, texture filtering should be adjusted: when in motion,
-         some blur not only acceptable but *desirable*, whereas then not 
-         text should be as sharp as possible.
-           - implement "needInterp"
-       - proper UpdateManager -- gfxapi interface PEG
-       + CoordSys::DistordCoords::canPerformGL() returns false.
-          Define action (=complain in stderr?) when trying to use
-         distorted coordsys with vobs calling directly CallGL.
        + docxx new additions to gfx/
        + clean GzzGL-jni
        + complete "Gzz technologies" white paper
-       + PEG getCS hierarchy from either coordsys or matcher
         + overall document about the goals and visions for the project
-       - javadoc gzz.vob.Vob* interfaces TOTALLY, including semantics of
-         coordinate systems!
        + PP 
            - help mudyc with String[] to renderable passing
            - proper enter
@@ -342,37 +275,13 @@
            - speedups 
            - soft shadows
            + merge !!!
-       - shape transformation & dicing framework
-       + soft shadows
-           - use ATI fragment programs
        + motion: grab & drag, not click & slide
            - but paint for select?
            - GRABBING BUOYS ?!!!
        + polygon puzzle view
-       + move Image class (imageraster &c) out from Os-GLX.
-         Os-GLX should only contain methods to directly
-         load images into given memory buffers in given
-         formats.
        - first cut at merge [important, non-trivial task]
-       - irregu:
-               - borders for paperquads
-                 Perhaps should add "ZVec CoordSys::grad(const ZPt)"
-                 or directional derivative for determining 
-                 the width of a nonlinearly scaled border
-                   - need to think about how to generalize...
-                     linestyle objects for npr scaling?
-         paragraphs, as well as libpaper backgrounds
-           - PEG the actual view
-       - make GLVobCoorder's all coordsys types
-         work like affineCoordsys and setAffineParams, so
-         that we can set the params from outside easier.
-       - Mosaic: don't store texture in memory;
-         storing in only the OpenGL texture object will
-         save memory and time.
-       - Coords.hxx: methods to transform many points at a time
-         to avoid virtual function call overhead
        - unit tests for the designated demos. We REALLY need to
          avoid breakage on them from now on.
        - complete empty test bodies in test/gzz/vob/textvob.test
@@ -381,9 +290,7 @@
        - test/ using pagespanview.ContentView as a CellContentView;
          currently broken. ???
-       - implement PEG 1021 for AWT
        - Go through test/ and convert tests to either .py or move to basalt/
-       - check OpenGL maximum texture size at run time, adjust mosaic and bg
        - paper demo
@@ -394,53 +301,18 @@
        + code to see from PDF file the number of pages
        + code to automatically start creating images on disk from
          pdf files etc.
-       + make gldemo able to use fullscreen sync_to_vblank mode so that we 
-         get the benefits of page flipping. How does this interact with e.g.
-         twinview? Need to turn it off?
-       + fix text quality on plain OpenGL: on NV10+ we get good 
-         results by multiplying the alpha obtained from the mipmaps
-         by 2. However, this is not necessarily possible in general, 
-         definitely not when magnifying (textures clamped to 1.0).
-         Maybe rerendering each mipmap level by freetype?
-       + redesign mosaics to save memory and allow more internal
-         formats + at the same time, mipmapping improvements
-       + implement getCachedTexture in gzz/gfx/gl/GLCache.java
-         (current implementation is in gfx/libpaper/texcache.py)
-       + for Documentation/TechReports/GzzTech, figure out how we can
-         use our bibtex file (in Documentation/Manuscripts) for citations.
-       - cleanup: remove x, y, z from HorizText: unnecessary now.
-         same for other coord-like things in renderables.
-       + coordsys interpolation: clicks to interpolated coordsys
        + Gzz.py client
             + reload button  (key to reload jython code! All views (e.g. 
-       + fillet implementation handling all connections from a node
-         simultaneously.
        + Synch!!!
-       + move *DebugVar* from GL into a new class, same on JNI side. (cleanup)
-       + proper icons and names for the windows, both AWT and GL
-       + implement PEG 1012
-       + implement PEG 1015
        - convert all documentation into RST format. Note: talk to Tjl
          about how UML stuff should be done!
        - Main zz view:
             - Clipping in awt
-       - porting: make sure all demos etc. work with plain mesa
-       - implement Perlin's "improving noise" paper
-       - animation: save images directly into target
-         format from C++. Should cut down generation time a lot.
-       + update irregu renderable
-           - ?
        + libpaper NV2x combined passes
            + think about modeling textures
        + script to save 100 textures every day
        + paper: small high-frequency components
-       + irregu
-               - better sawnoise texture: less intermediate freqs
-               - puzzle view
-               - soft shadows of irregus- ?!?!?! Need algorithm...
-                       - only very approximate needed
        + paper radeon9700
        - fix libpaper optimized papers on R300:
            the problem is that GENERATE_MIPMAP_SGIS does not work
@@ -457,13 +329,7 @@
 0.8alpha6: Another doc round
-    jvk:
-       + parseCombiner -> fragment program compiler
-       - docxx Vec23, 
-           - 4-dimensional homogeneous type?
-               - useful for projective coordinate transformations where 
-                 goes awry unless w is used
        - continue UML architecture documentation of gzz
        - uml for PlainVanishing & co
        - GLTextStyle javadoc that explains how to use the class
@@ -512,12 +378,6 @@
            - method naming
            - method parameters
-       - revamp librenderables and vobs to use free, interpolatable
-         params instead of fixed
-         Specifically, figure out about the hierarchical
-         coordinate systems... The current solution doesn't seem good.
-           - how about splitting the two-way split vobscene one more way
-             for an extra object which handles the hierarchy?
        - make updatemanager timing adjustable
        - coplanar marking

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