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[Gzz-commits] libvob/include/vob/vobs Paper.hxx

From: Tuomas J. Lukka
Subject: [Gzz-commits] libvob/include/vob/vobs Paper.hxx
Date: Thu, 24 Apr 2003 13:49:53 -0400

CVSROOT:        /cvsroot/libvob
Module name:    libvob
Changes by:     Tuomas J. Lukka <address@hidden>        03/04/24 13:49:53

Modified files:
        include/vob/vobs: Paper.hxx 

Log message:
        EasyPaperQuad - easier parameters


Index: libvob/include/vob/vobs/Paper.hxx
diff -u libvob/include/vob/vobs/Paper.hxx:1.5 
--- libvob/include/vob/vobs/Paper.hxx:1.5       Tue Apr  1 15:14:18 2003
+++ libvob/include/vob/vobs/Paper.hxx   Thu Apr 24 13:49:53 2003
@@ -270,7 +270,6 @@
 # coordinates.
 class PaperQuad {
     enum { NTrans = 2 };
@@ -492,6 +491,209 @@
+# there are three coordinate
+# systems here as well: the window cs, the object cs and the paper cs.
+# cs1 is object => window,
+# and cs2 is object => paper.
+* This version renders exactly the box of cs2
+class EasyPaperQuad {
+    enum { NTrans = 2 };
+    ::Vob::Paper::Paper *paper;
+    float dicefactor;
+    int flags;
+    template<class F> void params(F &f) {
+       f(paper, dicefactor, flags);
+    }
+    template<class T> void render(const T &coords1, const T &coords2) const {
+           const int flags = this->flags;
+           GLERR
+           Paper::LightParam lightParam;
+           // These are now irrelevant
+           lightParam.orig = ZPt(0,0,0);
+           lightParam.e0 = ZPt(1,0,0);
+           lightParam.e1 = ZPt(0,1,0);
+           lightParam.e2 = ZPt(0,0,1);
+            lightParam.Light = ZVec(-1,-1,1);
+            lightParam.Light_w = 0.0;
+           DBG(dbg_paperquad) << "EasyPaperquad: " <<
+                   lightParam.orig << " " <<
+                   lightParam.e0 << " " <<
+                   lightParam.e1 << " " <<
+                   lightParam.e2 << " " <<
+                   "\\n"
+                   ;
+           GLERR
+           int dice;
+           Pt box = coords2.getSqSize();
+           if(flags & PAPERQUAD_NONL_MAXLEN) {
+               Pt p1 = coords1.transform(Pt(0,0));
+               Pt p2 = coords1.transform(Pt(0,box.y));
+               Pt p3 = coords1.transform(Pt(box.x,0));
+               Pt p4 = coords1.transform(Pt(box.x,box.y));
+               float dist[4] = {
+                   (p2-p1).length(),
+                   (p3-p1).length(),
+                   (p4-p2).length(),
+                   (p4-p3).length()
+               };
+               float m = *std::max_element(dist, dist+4);
+               dice = (int)(m / dicefactor) + 2;
+           } else { // old way
+               ZPt ctr = .5 * box; 
+               double len = box.length() / 2;
+               double nonl = coords1.nonlinearity(ctr, len);
+               dice = (int)(len * nonl * dicefactor) + 2;
+           }
+           DBG(dbg_paperquad) << "Dice: " << dice <<"\\n";
+           // Cap it at a ridiculous value
+           if( dice > 100) dice = 100;
+           if(dice < 2 ) dice = 2;
+           float *vertices = new float[dice * dice * 5];
+            int *indices = new int[(dice) * (2*dice)];
+            #define VERTICES3(x, y, z) vertices[((x)*dice + (y))*5 + (z)]
+            #define VERTICES2(x, y)    vertices[((x)*dice + (y))*5]
+            #define INDICES2(x, y)     indices[(x)*2*dice + (y)]
+            #define INDICES1(x)        indices[(x)*2*dice]
+           int *indps[dice-1];
+           int counts[dice-1];
+           for(int ix = 0; ix<dice; ix++) {
+               if(ix < dice-1) {
+                   counts[ix] = 2*dice;
+                   indps[ix] = &INDICES1(ix);
+               }
+               for(int iy = 0; iy<dice; iy++) {
+                   if(ix < dice-1) {
+                       INDICES2(ix, 2*iy) = dice * ix + iy;
+                       INDICES2(ix, 2*iy+1) = dice * (ix+1) + iy;
+                   }
+                   float x = ix / (dice - 1.0);
+                   float y = iy / (dice - 1.0);
+                   ZPt p(lerp(0., box.x, x), lerp(0., box.y, y), 0);
+                   ZPt v = coords1.transform(p);
+                   VERTICES3(ix, iy, 2) = v.x;
+                   VERTICES3(ix, iy, 3) = v.y;
+                   VERTICES3(ix, iy, 4) = v.z;
+                   ZPt t;
+                   t = coords2.transform(p);
+                   VERTICES3(ix, iy, 0) = t.x;
+                   VERTICES3(ix, iy, 1) = t.y;
+                   DBG(dbg_paperquad) << "   vert: " << 
+                           ix << " " <<
+                           iy << " : " <<
+                           VERTICES3(ix, iy, 0) << " " <<
+                           VERTICES3(ix, iy, 1) << " " <<
+                           VERTICES3(ix, iy, 2) << " " <<
+                           VERTICES3(ix, iy, 3) << " " <<
+                           VERTICES3(ix, iy, 4) << " " <<
+                           "\\n";
+               }
+           }
+           if(flags & PAPERQUAD_USE_VERTEX_PROGRAM) {
+               glPushClientAttrib(GL_CLIENT_VERTEX_ARRAY_BIT);
+               glInterleavedArrays(GL_T2F_V3F, 5*sizeof(float), vertices);
+               glLockArraysEXT(0, dice*dice);
+               for(Paper::Paper::iterator it = paper->begin(); it != 
paper->end(); ++it) {
+                    DBG(dbg_paperquad) << "Pass\\n";
+                    GLERR
+                    (*it).setUp_VP(&lightParam);
+                    DBG(dbg_paperquad) << "Going to multidraw\\n";
+                    GLERR
+                    glMultiDrawElementsEXT(GL_QUAD_STRIP, counts,
+                       GL_UNSIGNED_INT, (const GLvoid **)indps, dice-1);
+                    DBG(dbg_paperquad) << "Teardown\\n";
+                    GLERR
+                    (*it).tearDown_VP();
+                    GLERR
+                    DBG(dbg_paperquad) << "Pass over\\n";
+               }
+               glUnlockArraysEXT();
+               glPopClientAttrib();
+           } else {
+               for(Paper::Paper::iterator it = paper->begin(); it != 
paper->end(); ++it) {
+                    DBG(dbg_paperquad) << "Pass\\n";
+                    GLERR
+                    (*it).setUp_explicit(&lightParam);
+                    DBG(dbg_paperquad) << "Going to set texcoords explicit\\n";
+                    GLERR
+                    for(int ix = 0; ix<dice-1; ix++) {
+                        glBegin(GL_QUAD_STRIP);
+                        for(int iy = 0; iy<dice; iy++) {
+                             float tmp[4] = { VERTICES3(ix, iy, 0), 
VERTICES3(ix, iy, 1), 0 ,1 };
+                           DBG(dbg_paperquad) << "to texcoords\\n";
+                             (*it).texcoords_explicit( tmp );
+                           DBG(dbg_paperquad) << "to vertex\\n";
+                             glVertex3fv( (&(VERTICES2(ix, iy))+2) );
+                             float tmp2[4] = { VERTICES3(ix+1, iy, 0), 
VERTICES3(ix+1, iy, 1), 0 ,1 };
+                           DBG(dbg_paperquad) << "to texcoords\\n";
+                             (*it).texcoords_explicit( tmp2 );
+                           DBG(dbg_paperquad) << "to vertex\\n";
+                             glVertex3fv( ((&VERTICES2(ix+1, iy))+2) );
+                         }
+                       DBG(dbg_paperquad) << "to end\\n";
+                         glEnd();
+                    }
+                    DBG(dbg_paperquad) << "Teardown\\n";
+                    GLERR
+                    (*it).tearDown_explicit();
+                    GLERR
+                    DBG(dbg_paperquad) << "Pass over\\n";
+                }
+           }
+           DBG(dbg_paperquad) << "Passes over\\n";
+           GLERR
+            delete [] vertices;
+            delete [] indices;
+    }

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